Chapter 13

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I woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon. I walked into the kitchen to see Darry there cooking. Dally was gone.

"Good morning, Darry."

"Good morning, Ariana. How'd you sleep?" Darry asked me.

"I slept fine." I said.

"Darry can I tell you something?" I asked him.

"Yeah of course, what is it?" Darry asked me. I looked him in the eyes.

"I think I want to move here to Tulsa." I said. Darry was shocked.

"Wow, Ariana, that's great! That's such a huge step for you." He said.

"I know, I really want to be here. I just feel like I need to be here now." I said. I've been talking to my dad recently and I told him about my decision. My dad is the best, he agreed with my idea and offered to pay for place I want to live. I made a deal with him saying I would at least go to college out here and get a job. I know, I sound like I'm spoiled, but I couldn't be more than thankful for his support. I really need it.

"You gonna have Dally move in with you?" Darry asked me. 

"Maybe. One thing for sure is I want Johnny to come move in with me." I said. 

"I don't want him to have him live with our alcoholic mother anymore. He deserves better." I said. Darry agreed.

My dad has been sending me half of his pay check since I've been here, so I went out grocery shopping for food for the new house. I told my dad about everything. I told him about Dally and I how I found my mom and half-brother. Apparently he knew that my mom lived here in Tulsa. That's why he was a little hesitant on letting me come to Tulsa in the first place, but he let me go because he thought what are the odds of me finding my mother and brother. I asked him if he would be attending Liz's funeral he said he was. I was glad to hear that, I hope everything goes well and they send them off properly. They'll always be in my thoughts

2 weeks later

"Guess what! I bought my first house!" Darry, Sodapop, and Ponyboy ran up to me and hugged me. They were so happy that I was staying in Tulsa. 

"Hey, isn't it your birthday today?" Ponyboy said as he walked in the kitchen with us.

"Oh yeah. I forgot." I said as I laughed a little. So much has been going on I haven't had time to think about my own birthday. Sheesh.

"Time for some chocolate cake!" Sodapop said as he walked over to the fridge. We all sat at the table. They started singing happy birthday to me. I laughed at how silly Sodapop was being. They finished singing to me and we ate some chocolate cake.

"Thanks guys." I said

"Alright guys, I gotta go." I said. 

"Where are you going?" Ponyboy asked me. 

"I'm going to face my mother." I said. Before I left I gave the boys my house's address and invited them to hang out to celebrate. I got in my car and drove down the street to Johnny's house. I knocked on the door. Johnny opened it. 

"Hey, Ariana! Boy am I glad to see you!" he said, I could here his parents fighting in the background. 

"Listen to me. I need you to go in your room and pack everything that's important to you in this suitcase." I handed him the suitcase. 

"Don't ask me why. Just do it. When you're done come back here to me and I'll explain everything when we get in the car." He nodded and he went to do what I told him. I just stood at the door amazed that his parents were to busy fighting they didn't even notice I was there. Johnny finished and ran towards me. We ran into the car and I drove to my house. When we got there movers were moving in my furniture and building it. Johnny and I walked in the front door. 

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