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It was a eerie winter's day, a girl with silky black hair and rosy cheeks stood out side of the orphanage waiting for someone to open the intimidating gates. Her body wrapped in a furry black coat, cute cat mittens on her stubby little fingers and snow flakes falling around her making her seem more intriguing.

Finally, the great big gates squeaked open and a woman around her late 20s came out. She had dirty blonde hair with soft looking eyes. She noticed the little girl and shock flashed against her cold flesh.

The woman knew the girl was around 4-6 since her height was quite short. The girl kept her head down and gingerly held out the white envelope anticipating for the strange woman to read it.

Mrs Cole noticed the gentle activity and softly tugged the note out of the child's hands into her own.

Dear owner or worker at the orphanage,
My name is Lylac King. The person who is delivering this note is my daughter.
Her name is Y/ n King, she is very timid and gentle. However, she has a very sly and dark soul, i noticed strange activities from her a week ago.
She started doing odd things, many of them captured by the neighbours, because of the all rumours, i could not let her live with me hence my husband's reputation.
Please treat her kindly.

After reading the note, the baffled Mrs Cole shakily invited the girl into the hall way.
Who would do that to their own child?
Thought the still unbelieved Mrs Cole.

While walking, she suddenly remembered something. There was another child like Y/n, he was possessive, powerful, cunning, charming and sly.

She made a turn of directions and dragged the poor girl into another hallway. However, the one, much darker and misty. On the 7th door, Mrs Cole stopped and knocked 3 times.

"Come" said a deep powerful voice.

She turned the door knob and greeted the tall, dark haired boy with a charming smile that was never returned.

" I've brought someone for you Tom," said the owner that was now getting eaten by Tom's curiosity. She pushed the fragile girl in front and said, "Her name is Y/n, take care of her. She is yours now". With that, she closed the door and walked away.

Tom examined the girl before motioning her to come closer. She sat on the comforting bed, her head down and not brave enough to meet the eyes of the older boy.

After some uncomfortable silence, a slender finger rose against her chin and lifted it. Without much thought, he placed his book away and laid down on the old bed that made a squeak as his body came in contact with it.

Tom tugged at her wrist, her body came clashing down next to come. He wrapped his arm protectively around her and pulled her towards him hitting his chest.

They laid like that for a few minutes until Y/n felt her eyes dropping down because of exhaustion.

Tom Riddle's POV

This girl was beautiful with her glossy black hair and cute tiny lips. She had a permanent light rosy bush and she was sort of chubby making her more the ever cuter.

Unexpectedly, a small tug made its way onto the corner of my lips. I stared at her as she fell into her deep slumber. As i was indentifying her features, she stirred in her sleep. Suddenly, a felt two small hands clasp onto me hanging for their dear life, i struggled but she hung to me like a koala. 

Feeling tired and exhausted,i let her cling on to me. Surprisingly, she snuggled up to my chest and we just spent the rest of the night like this.

I knew, she made something come to life in me. Possibly,

it was my heart..

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