Chapter 3

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"It that why you broke it off and went to date Bogum.Taehyung I had asked you to  be my boyfriend for a long time but you avoided the topic every time.But you never refused Bogum.Didn't you see me as someone who you could date.?What did Bogum have that i didn't?,Hyung"Jungkook snapped.
"Jungkook please calm down"Taehyung said as he was already shaking.
"Hyung ,I never only wanted your body but also your heart.Was it that hard to give it to me?"Jungkook yelled.
"Jungkook , don't you fucking yell at me.Everyone knew that you were a fuck boy.Don't you dare try put this on me.I could never date some one like you"Taehyung spat.
"Hyung you actually believed those rumors about me?The only person I had ever slept with was you.And this is what you think of me?"Jungkook gave a humorless smile.Taehyung 's heart sunk.Jungkook then dragged  Taehyung into his room and locked it.
"Jungkook what are you doing?"Taehyung asked looking clearly confused.
"Hyung,you didn't want to date me right?What a shame that you will be stuck with me and no one is going to take you away from me"Jungkook said as he put his hand around Taehyung's waist and tilted his head to the older's  neck inhaling his scent.
"You will be mine and mine only "Jungkook whispered  in his ear and sent shivers down Taehyung's spine.When Jungkook was about to lean on the older's neck there was a knock on the door.Taehyung loosened his hands which he had made it to fists.
"Jungkook ,Taehyung you guys should come down so we can arrange the wedding date"Mrs Jeon said.When Jungkook unlocked the door ,Taehyung quickly rushed downstairs.

No one suspected anything."So when do you think that the should be?"Mr Kim asked.
"I think as soon as possible "Jungkook said blantly and glanced at Taehyung.The older then glared at him.
"Do you also think the same ,Taehyung ?"Mr Jeon asked and Taehyung only nodded.
"How about next week ?"Mrs Jeon squalid .Taehyung eye widened."I think it's fine ,isn't it Hyung "Jungkook said looking at Taehyung.He older nodded blankly.
"So it's sorted then"Mr Kim said as he was shaking hands with Mr Jeon .
"If you don't mind can the wedding be held in Skyla"Mr Kim suggested.
"Sure why not"Mr Jeon said.
"Don't worry I will personally take care of the wedding arrangement"Mrs Jeon nodded.
"Taehyung i guess we can go now"Mr Kim said.
"You can go wait at the car dad,I need to talk to Jungkook for a  bit"Taehyung said and his father nodded.Jungkook went up to his room and Taehyung followed.Mrs Jeon couldn't help but fangirl over them.

"So what do you want to talk about Hyung?"Jungkook asked as he was sitting on his bed.
"Jeon Jungkook ,I don't care if you are an alpha but you are gonna have to listen to me."Taehyung said .
"Wow it seems that someone is on fire"Jungkook mocked.
Taehyung rolled his eyes"As I was saying i never dated Bogum.I lied so that we could stop whatever we were doing.I knew it wasn't healthy so I needed it to stop.We had been going at this for 3 years and I was starting to freak out.What if Jungkook forgets to use protection and i end up getting pregnant .How the hell was I going to face my father.Jungkook I lose my life but I can't disappoint my father.So whatever you are so salty about deal with it"Taehyung spat and slammed the door behind him.

Jungkook was left with mixed emotions.He was happy that Taehyung didn't turn him down for Bogum.At the same time he was sad because he didn't know about Taehyung's insecurities.

When Taehyung was about to leave the house ,he bumped into Jimin is ex best friend.Taehyung had always known that he and Jungkook were cousins.They were happy to have met after 2 years.They exchanged phone numbers before Taehyung left.

When they got home Jin was excited to know about Taehyung's future husband but the younger wasn't having it.It was a give and take situation.Jin was supposed to tell the younger about his supposedly boyfriend and Taehyung would tell him about his fiancee.Jin just fled the scene to his room.He wasn't going to let it out any time soon.

At night Taehyung received a text from an unknown number.

Hey babe.

The hell?Who are you?

So if you weren't dating Bogum Hyung ,why didn't go out with me when I asked you.

Because i didn't want to.How the fuck did you get my number.?I  don't remember giving it to you.

Take a wild guess.

Park Jimin that traitor.

Save unknown to Jerk
Yes  No


Yah !Park Jimin.How could you give Jungkook my number.?
Are you really my friend?

Tae ,why are you so worked up about this.?He is your soon to be husband for crying in a bucket.

Whatever ,Chim

Taehyung had gotten himself a long break from work since he was getting married.Jungkook also had a break.

Taehyung had woken up late since he didn't have anything to do.He was just lazing around in the house when he got a text.

Morning handsome.Can you come out for a while.Pretty please😆

Tae Baer
Sorry I'm busy .I'm  at work now😬

Hyung I know you are at home.One of the wedding organizationizers told me so come out.I'm waiting at the gate.

Tae Baer
You will pay for this,Jungkook.

Taehyung went downstairs and saw his brother watching tv.
"Hyung ,I'm going out"Taehyung stated.
"Oh future husband alert"Jin teased.
"Oh Hyung shut it"Taehyung spat as he closed the door.
He went outside the gate and saw Jungkook standing by his car.
"You look hot"Jungkook said sarcastically.
"I didn't come out hear to be insulted by you Jungkook.Just tell me what you want"Taehyung said with his arms over his chest.

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