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don't hate me for this chapter please.

i woke up, seeing anthony on his phone next to me. he looked down at me, smiling.

"good morning, baby." he said. his morning voice. oh my god.

"good morning." i smiled. i payed my head on his chest and just sat there. not moving.

"you're like dead." he said. i chuckled. he smacked my butt, causing me to jump.

"i hate you." i said.

"not what you said last night," he said. i felt my cheeks blushing. i laughed.

my phone went off, with a text from payton.

payton 🖤🖤👵🏼| are you
with anthony rn

me| yeah why

payton 🖤🖤👵🏼| can we talk

payton 🖤🖤👵🏼| please

me| sure what's up

payton 🖤🖤👵🏼| anthony
can't see this. he can't hear
from me, but whatever happens,
i love you, trinity.

me| payton what's going on

payton 🖤🖤👵🏼| that night
you guys were going on a
date and anthony called you
clingy, he said he was at my
house, correct?

me| yeah why what's going on.
you're scaring me

payton 🖤🖤👵🏼| trinity..

me| payton what is it

payton 🖤🖤👵🏼| he wasn't at
my house.

me| what are you talking

payton 🖤🖤👵🏼| i didn't even
realize until now. he never came
over. he was never at my house.
i'm not assuming shit, but
if he wasn't at my house, why
wouldn't he just tell you

me| payton, you're fucking
with me

payton 🖤🖤👵🏼| i wouldn't
fuck around with something
like this

me| call me, please


i was outside anthony's house, calling payton.

"hey." he answered.

"payton, do you think he's cheating?" i panicked.

"i don't know. i don't wanna assume. but if he wasn't, why would he lie about being at my house? there's no reason to, unless he was somewhere he wasn't supposed to be." payton informed me. i felt myself getting teary - eyed.

"payton, what do i do?" i questioned.

"confront him about it. he couldn't lie to you in person. i know he couldn't. he's a terrible fucking liar. just go confront him about it." he said.

"okay. i'll call you later." i said.


"yes?" i replied.

"i love you," he said.

"i love you so much more."

late night lover | anthony reevesWhere stories live. Discover now