stage 13

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Today i woke up way earlier than usual, 3 hours before visiting time Sarah stirring slightly in her bed, she's a light sleeper i walk out of the room and wander the halls. The off white color mocking me and my condition. I wanted to leave again, But Spencer would never let me after last time. Maybe i could leave without anyone knowing. I walked the two floors to get to the lobby. I walked past the waiting area to the front desk. The receptionist was on the phone. This was almost too easy. I walked out the door. 

Where do i want to go? Park? home? Ice cream place? Ya that sounds nice. I started walking to the ice cream place, but i ran into someone that i didn't want to see. 'Hey Ryan, what are you doing out of the hospital?" i don't know what to say. i've been caught red handed and i yelled at him the other day. what do i do? "I uh left cause it feels kinda like a prison."i joked. he smiled "well Brendon went to see you so i guess we can hang out till he realizes you're gone, and brings you back, so your house or mine?" he smiled " i guess your house." He nodded and we started the silent walk to Dallons house. 

"Make yourself at home. mi casa es su casa." I walked in it was very homey pastel blue walls and white carpet floors. He walked upstairs to his room and i followed. We sat on the floor in a uncomfortable silence again we both had this unspoken understanding that we think the other hates us for the same reason, we both like Brendon 

" do you not like me Ryan?" I was shocked at the bluntness "i like you, i mean your a good person but i just-" " like Brendon as well?" he cut me off and my face felt hot "...yeah." I spoke softly. He sighed and lied on the floor flat in his back " he's amazing, right? I just wish he felt the same about me as I'd do about him." Dallon spoke his eyes close "what do you mean?" I asked in pure confusion " i don't think Brendon cares for me like he does you. Your so very important to him Ryan and you don't even know how much you mean to him. When you ran of the other day he" Dallon was cut of by his phone ringing. He picked it up 

"hello?" "DALLON RYAN ISN'T THE HOSPITAL WHAT IF HE GOT KIDNAPED OR MURDERED OR PASSED OUT SOME WHERE!" Dallon calmly responded to Brendon's freak session. "B don't worry, Ryan's here with me we've been talking for a while and getting along." Brendon paused for a long time then spoke "how did Ryan get to your house?" I made gestures to tell him not to say i snuck out " i went to see him before you got there and i told Spencer." I heard a small mumbling from Brendon's side then Dallon spoke " okay I'll see you when you get here bye." He looked at me with a face that made me feel bad i explode all my emotions on him and he didn't deserve it. 

" I'm sorry Dallon, i'm such a asshole for treating you like that, i'm so sorry for saying those things and i didn't mean any of them, your a good person and amazingly kind and loving and if Brendon could be with anyone I'm glad it's you cause you are perfect in every way." Dallon smiles and hugged me. 

"Babe? where are you?" Brendon asked loudly. Dallon yelled "upstairs!" I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. The door opens and Brendon sighed in relief and came to hug me and He scolded me like an angry parent " ok my god Ryan don't ever do that again you gave me a fucking heart attack."

 " sorry mom"

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