A spacious cute pink furry crib lay in the center of the room. The wall was painted in bright pink matching the crib.

A huge white teddy bear sat in the corner of the room beside a white armchair that was fill with toys.

A cute white dresser with three sided mirrors sat at one end of the room.

Teddy bears of different colours lay on the furry white carpet.

In the baby's crib lay a pink furry teddy bear. I gently lay sleeping Sara down.

"I still have more decorations to do,  have also order some clothes and other items for her but they aren't here as yet" he stated.

I attack him in a tight hug expressing my gratitude, words can't describe how thankful I am.

He kiss my forehead and I smile "Thank you for everything" I whispered.

He smile looking at me with his tired eyes "Don't thank me it's my responsibility now" he stated.

I sigh "You look tired go get some rest" I suggested.

He sigh "You need rest too" he stated cupping my tired face.

I shook my head "I can't leave her alone" I said fearing something might happen to her.

"Ria she's safe here and if she cries we can hear from our room next door" he reassure me.

I sigh walking towards the cry I look down at the adorable little child fast asleep. I lean forward and kiss her forehead.


I woke up by a knock on the door still feeling exhausted I ignore the knock, let Alexander handle it. I thought.

"It's open!" he mumbled with his husky voice.

Damn I love that voice

I heard the sound of the door open "Sir the baby stuff arrive should I order them to bring it up" Marina asked.

"No leave them in the living room she's   still asleep" he said.

"And I want you to make a bottle of milk for her" he demand.

"Okay Sir" she said seconds later I heard the door close.

I felt him wrapped his arms around me then place a kiss on my cheek.

I couldn't help but smile as I open my eyes I met his pair of hazel ones.

He peck my lips I pull him down and deepen the kiss.

"I need your help" I whispered against his lips.

He peck my lips "What?" he asked.

"At the time when the shooting occur did you saw anything?" I asked wanting to be sure if it's the white van guy.

He lay down beside me I turn facing him "It's definitely the driver of the white van I tried to get the license plate number but all I could think of if your okay" he said.

I couldn't help but to smile he does care about me.

"But I asked for a footage, the coffee shop has cameras outside" he said running his hands through his hair.

Hope fill my eyes "Do you have it?" I asked.

He shook his head "Haven't received it yet" he said sitting up.

I sat up too "Can I borrow one of your phones?" I asked.

"I need to make some calls" I added.

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