Chapter 1

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"Hero form dialogue"



"Phone, Tv"

(Author's note)

People are not born equal. That's the bitter truth Izuku Midoriya learned at a very young age.

In the world which the young Izuku lives, is full of people with all kinds of different extraordinary abilities, abilities known as "quirks".

This phenomenal happened over a hundred years ago when the quirkless people were considered to be the "normal ones". But a beginning to a new era has arrived when in China a bioluminescent baby was born, the news had taken the world by storm.

Soon after, more exceptional people began appearing all over the world. No one knew what caused it, but as time passed, the world alongside the people began to change and these exceptional people became the new norm.

Many years had passed. Fantasy became reality. And at the present time, 80% of the world's population consists of "superhumans" with special abilities.

The world's in chaos.

And a profession that everyone once only dreamed about has entered the spotlight...

During the time, when the number of exceptional people was rising, an explosion of crime rate came along.

While nations struggled to overhaul their legal systems, brave individuals took up the mantle of heroes, straight out of the comic books, protecting the people from evildoers.

These individuals, with public support, quickly gained the right to serve as heroes in an official capacity.

These heroes are known as "Pro Heroes", as in, "Professional Heroes".

Every kid wanted to be a Pro Hero, every kid wanted to be cool, fight villains and save lives, just like all the Pros on Tv.

But of course, there were those who wished to become heroes not because of the goodness of their hearts, but because of their selfish desire for wealth and glory. These people exist because based on a hero's performance, he, or she can receive a generous amount of government pay and gain a lot of popularity.

Izuku Midoriya, however, wasn't like those selfish people. He had a strong desire to help others, just like his idol, All Might the No. 1 hero.

Izuku loved All Might, he worships him. Izuku owns all of All Might's merchandise, he has all of the action figures, posters, and all other stuff.

There's this video on YouTube that Izuku loves, he watches it at least a couple of times, every day. He's been doing it since he was only 4 years old.

"Mom. Computer!" An eager little boy calls for his mother, as he vigorously rocked back and forth in his chair, holding his favorite All Might action figure.

"Again?! I swear, Izuku, I bet you're the one responsible for the tens of thousands of views this video has." The woman chuckled, amused, as she clicked on the video. "I don't know why do you like it, it's way too scary for mommy."

The video clip was old. The video was of a big disaster that happened a while back, it was an earthquake, those in Tokyo happen quite often. But in the aftermath, a certain hero made his debut.

It was All Might during his first year. The video showed him carrying a dozen people on his back towards safety. He looked at the camera with his trademark smile and spoke.

The One Who Never Gives Up (My Hero Academia fanfic)(On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now