I pulled my hand out of the dirt, and staggered immediately, from the huge and very sudden amount of feedback.

I felt Matei and Jana holding me up.

"I'm fine."

I said, and grimaced, as my head was pounded hard from the excess noise. Suddenly Jana's phone went off, and I screeched with agony, as my veins began to flow and change black.

She shut it off, and her eyes glowed yellow, and she grabbed my wrist, and suddenly, it was like the Eolas finally shut off.

I was shaking from using it, and I shook my head, to clear it. "What was that?"

Matei asked, looking at me, his eyes concerned. "That. Was what happens when you use Eolas in the city."

I said, and managed to calm myself down for the most part. "It's almost 7:50." I said, as we walked under the Walkway, but stayed in the shadows.

As he walked out, I saw the moonlight, and felt my veins begin to pulse, and saw them turning black.

"Oh no." Jana said and I looked at her.

"I'll stay human for as long as I can. But TJ, looks like you're gonna have to do the talking." I said, as I saw Matei and Emilia groaning as they shifted.

"Teach us how to fight it and keep it under control after this." Matei said, panting as he tried to fight the change.

I looked at him, and crouched with him as he kept trying to fight it.

"Tomorrow." I said, and he circled my legs, nipping playfully, at my toes as he did.

I let the shift finally over-come my human control, and I was now a silver and white furred wolf.

It was the sign that, I was now finally grown into the world-wide wolfblood legend, the Supreme Tracker.

I heard a familiar howl, that didn't come from any of the pack, that I knew like it was my own.

I howled back, and felt like my heart was rebuilding itself. I knew that it could only mean one thing.

Rhydian was finally here.

I leaped over the walkway, and I joined Matei, Emilia, and Jana in circling the three boys.

Dylan and the two older boys, that I must've heard on the phone.

TJ told us to let them go, and they raced off as fast as they could. I ran forward up the hill to see Rhydian and Maddy, standing there on four legs. I howled with joy, as I circled my twin brother, nudging him playfully.

Maddy licked my flank, and Rhydian bumped noses with me, and I smiled a wolfish grin, as we all raced off.

Catching up to Jana, Matei, and Emilia, who had long since lost TJ, who was slower then all of us still.

The next morning, we were up on the hill overlooking the city, and Rhydian and Maddy walked up the hill, talking with Jana.

I smiled, and stood up, from where I was teaching Matei and Emilia to wait to shift on full moons.

I hugged Rhydian tightly. "Why didn't you call?!" And I slapped him on the shoulder.

"I. Thought. You. Had. Been. Shot!"

I yelled, slapping him, with each word, that came out of my mouth.

"I'm sorry alright?" And I lowered my hand which had been hitting him, and Matei and Emilia were growling.

At something, or more likely someone.

"Rhydian. Maddy."

"We're about to have company." I said, as Jana and I walked, side by side, to stand in front of Matei and Emilia.

"Calm down."

I said quietly, as I heard Matei growling. "6 wolves running in the streets of Newcastle! Segolia is in an uproar! Because of you."

Imara yelled, and I looked at her.

"You were going to send us to Norway." I said coldly, and she laughed.

"Oh yes. But now I think it's a better idea to separate you." And I growled. "What do you mean separate?"

TJ asked, and I looked at him, with a warning glance and a growl, to shut him up.

"Your foster parents are waiting to say goodbye." She said, speaking directly to Matei and Emilia, and they were clearly panicking.

"What do you mean say goodbye?"

I asked, quietly, for them, as Matei looked like he was being stabbed repeatedly.

"Your young betas have family in Romania. It's time they joined their family in their home."

And I growled as Matei stepped forward. "We've never been to the country. We don't even speak the language!"

He seemed to be almost choking on the words. "I expect you'll learn." Imara said and I looked at her.

"You're just saving your own ass. Sending these two kids away won't save everyone. Eventually someone will make a mistake and slip up, and eventually humans will find out."

Rhydian said, stepping forward to stand with us, his shoulder pushing securely into mine, and blocking Emilia from view.

"So you're the Legendary Rhydian Morris. I can see the resemblance. Now move!" And I snarled.

"Get out of here!"

I snapped at Matei and Emilia.

"Go!" TJ snarled. "All her staff are in Norway! She can't touch you on her own! Now go!" Jana yelled, and they ran, seeming to fly. Imara darted to the side, but was met with Maddy.

She spun around and found Jana and TJ standing there. The other two sides were being blocked by Rhydian and I.

We finally looked like twins, our hair our identical white color, our eyes glowing as we veined up. "Move."

She said and growled.

"Imara Cipriani."

"The so called 'Alpha' of Segolia."

Rhydian said. He stepped forward, and she stepped back, aware he had the higher ground.

I looked at my twin brother, my eyes shining with awe, surprise, and utter disbelief, wondering where this new alpha male had come from.

"Walk away!"

I snapped, and she ran, racing away. I looked at TJ. "Sorry TJ." I said, and he looked at me, his eyes flashing briefly.

"It was bound to happen anyways."

1551 words

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