#16|ignoring ryan once again

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Like obviously by now Ryan would have realised that his beloved phone was not with him and hence he was calling from his friend's phone. Not wasting any more seconds, I immediately switched off his phone before Rohan would call again. I sighed a relief, the phone was not less than a terror for me.

It was Appu's turn to make breakfast. She was getting late for her work, so she decided to give us the cereals. I never have cereals with milk. So I just ate the cereals dry and later drank a glass of juice.

I reached the college a bit late. I headed towards my classroom, while Atharv headed towards his. We both had just one subject different, the rest were similar and so we shared the same lectures. I hated attending the lecture as I had to sit alone in one corner throughout the lecture.

Just as I headed towards my classroom, I noticed Ryan standing outside. I didn't want him to notice my weird facial expressions, that would make him get suspicious over me. Before he could speak anything, I directly headed inside ignoring him. The lecturer was busy writing something on the board and least cared if anyone entered inside or left the classroom.

I got seated on the very last bench of the classroom, to not get caught by the lecturer while doodling over my book in the lecture. I unzipped my backpack and pulled out my book and a pen. I also removed the frooti from my bag pack to gulp it down. Love for frooti is phenomenal.

"You seriously didn't notice me or you were trying to ignore me?" I heard Ryan's voice from my side.

I instantly turned towards my right side and found Ryan sitting beside me on the same bench. I swallowed down the frooti that was still in my mouth.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered.

"You're not ignoring me," he shook his head and looked in front.

I pretended not to get bothered by his presence, but the truth was - my heart raced like hell. I tried to calm down, and not fiddle my fingers that he would notice.

I sensed him extending his hand towards me. Why did he want to grab my hand? I slapped his hand. In return, he slapped the back of my palm.

He extended his hand back towards me again and grabbed away the frooti I'd held. I cocked my head at him with a questioning look - why did he take my drink?

He gulped the frooti, his lips touching the bottle. I wished I could tell him that I hate when someone transfers their germs into my bottle.

"This thing isn't that bad,"

I shook my head vehemently and looked at the board, that had something written on in an alien language. I never liked studying Economics, and neither liked the professors.

It then struck me that Economics lecture was going on. I cocked my head back at Ryan, who stared at the board like he didn't understand either - obviously how would he? He was not an Economics student and was still sitting for the lecture with me.

"You don't study arts, Ryan. Why are you even here?" I whispered.

He cocked his head at me with a weird grin.

"How do you know?" he chuckled.

I rolled my eyes, trying to find an excuse. How would I tell him that I was his stalker for the past fifteen years and that I'd read his timetable?

"We never share classes together," I answered.

"Oh," he propped his chin on the bench.

He pulled the book over his side and opened it. Okay, keeping my partial hatred for him at a side, can I admit that he looked really cute? His hair was messy like every other day in which I wished I could move my fingers in. It was my childhood fantasy to look at how Ryan's hair feels like. I stared at him, with a grin on my face while he scribbled something on my book. He pushed the book back at my side, snapping me out of the adoring session I was having.

I read what he'd written on my book,
We're going for a movie after the break. What seats would you like?

If only he knew that he cannot blackmail me anymore since his phone was with me. I chuckled silently, not enough audible for him. Without responding to him, I started with my art work on the book.

"Dhvani, reply me." he murmured, while I pretended not to hear him.

"Dhvani," he whispered once again, slamming his palm lightly on the bench.

"Are you deaf?" he groaned while I continued with my doodling.

"God damn, Dhvani," he groaned once again, poking my stomach with his finger.

"Ow," I giggled as it tickled me, but still didn't look at him.

"Don't forget that I still have your video,"

"Like seriously," I muttered.

"Dhvani," he whispered a little louder.

I felt constant taps on the side of my shoe that honestly made me mad.

"Stop it," I grumbled at him, before rising from my seat.

Grabbing all my belongings and putting them in my bag, I stormed out of the classroom. I didn't sense Ryan, following right behind me and leaving the classroom along with me. It was only when he pulled me back by my wrist when I realized.

"What is wrong with you?" he growled, his icy glare on me.

"I will not come with you for the movie henceforth,"

"Would I know why?" he asked me frustrated.

"I don't find replying you necessary. And don't try to blackmail me with that video again," I spoke harshly, releasing my hand from his.

The confidence level in me was boosted to a whole new level, and I realized it as I walked away. I felt proud but also bad that I was harsh to Ryan. No matter what, I liked him since my kindergarten days. I needed more time to completely get him removed from my heart.

It was Rakshabandhan the next day and I had not made a card for Ved. As a child, I loved making cards for everyone. I would make Rakshabandhan card for Ved every year. I also had made birthday cards for Ryan which I could never give him.

The greeting card supplies were in my stationery cupboard. I removed the sketch pens, glitter pens and the paper. I was not expert at making the cards, but whatever I made looked decent enough. While I coloured the card I wondered what would Ved gift me.

A/N -
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