Carmina Rye One Shot #1

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You could barely breathe as you tried to stand up shakely, your hands grasping the iron railing desperately. You felt blood bubbling in your throat. Coughing it up, you fell on your knees, your vision going blurry.

It was the worst day of your life, it seemed. From Thomas's death to one of the sisters shooting you out of a window. You felt anger boiling inside of you once again, hot rage caused by the death of your dear friend making its way into your veins. But you were too weak to release the anger.

For a second you thought you heared a voice calling your name, it was so muffled you thought you were hearing things. But the voice started to get closer and as you looked up, you could make out a familiar face.



What was she doing here?

It was so dangerous.

"You... you shouldn't be here." You mumbled, forcing the words out of your mouth.

"Yeah, you shouldn't be either." She said as she helped you get up, carefully to not to hurt you accidentally. "What happened?"

"Rush..." You felt tears make their way to your eyes and your voice started to shake even more. "He is dead."

For a second you saw grieve in Carmina's eyes but it was quickly replaced with worry, confusing you.

"Are you hurt? Where does it hurt the most?" She asked quickly, making her way to a car on the side of the road, your arm over her shoulder.

You didn't answer, just kept walking with her.

"Y/N, answer me, please."

"I'm-" You winced as pain shot through your body. "I'm f-fine."

Carmina opened the car door, sitting you in the back sit and sliding next to you, closing the door and telling the driver, one of her fellow Prosperity mates, to go.

"We're going home now, Y/N," She whispered, putting your head on her lap. You opened your mouth to protest but quickly closed it, feeling the tiredness inside of you.

"I'm so sorry, Carmina. I couldn't protect him."

The brunette started stroking your hair to calm you down.

"Don't worry. Rest now. You're safe. It's not you fault." She answered, resting her hand on your cheek.

You obliged, calmed by her voice and without a second thought fell into a deep slumber.

Far Cry (5 & New Dawn) x Fem!Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now