"Angel, tell me why we left the stairs here? They are totally unnecessary" he mumbled, before he took the first step on them. When he did, Jacob decided to help him, even though he was just as drunk as his brother. When two of them tried to cope with the stairs as if it was Mount Everest, Angelina and John had a great laugh.

It took a long moment when finally they went upstairs, and went to bed. Now, only the sleeping Faith, and the couple were left in the living room. Suddenly it became so peaceful. The girl felt his eyes on her, on what she stared at him, and giggled. He looked tired, even with his smiley face that had not disappeared since the first glass.

"Maybe we should go too?" she asked him, hesitantly. John replied with maybe, but he did not move. They just stared at each other, and waited who will get up first. At the final, Angelina stood up, and leaned on the table because of the dizziness. She took the blanket, and walked to Faith really slowly to cover her body with it.

When she was done, the girl walked towards John with really shaky steps. She showed him to get up but he still stayed in his position. Then, she decided to take his hands, and as she did, he pulled her in his direction which caused her to fall on his body. The only sound that she gave back was laughter.

The couch was big enough for him to put his legs on it, and Angelina could lie down with one arm and leg wrapped around his. Her head was under his chin, so he gently nestled into her hair. She extended her right hand to turn off the light. After many attempts, she succeeded, and put her back down with a chuckle and words "We are so drunk, honey"

John laughed lightly and took a deep breath. Despite the amount of alcohol he had in his blood, his thoughts were somewhere else. He focused on something more important. Angelina mentioned children. His heart immediately warmed up. There is nothing to hide, he was just excited and happy that this woman, this beautiful woman, is thinking of a family with him. He did not pay attention to the fact that she was drunk. He could not stop thinking about it.

"You will be a good mother" he whispered, and kissed her head really gently. The man was sure that she is sleeping, however to his surprise, she replied with "What?"

"I love you" John stated, on what she smiled. Angelina did not hear what he said at the first time but she knew that it was something different.

"I love you too"

After these words, they both closed their eyes. Any of them did not feel that this couch is uncomfortable. They were so drunk that even the floor would be the most comfortable place to sleep. Tucked together, they slept in the soft light of the moon, which pierced through the window.

From a certain perspective it was the best time to attack them. No one was fully conscious. Even the one, who had the task to protect them was in their soft mood. Perhaps God had them in his care, if nothing happened that night.

"Angelina, sweetie"

Female's voice sounded in her ears. As she raised her eyelids, she was on the couch alone under some soft blanket. Only when she rubbed her eyes, she noticed Faith standing over her with a smile. It was already morning.

"Where's John?" these were her first words as she woke up. Waiting for response, she got up, and a terrible headache hit her with whole strength. She touched her forehead, and closed her eyes.

"He drove with Jacob and Joseph to the city. He told me to take you under my protection until he comes back" she admitted, with a peace painted on her face. Angelina frowned at that but she did not say a word.

"Take these" Faith handed her some medicines to make her feel a little better. Then, she took a seat right next to her, and pointed at the plate with some good yoghurt, and fruits. Next to it stood a cup of coffee. "I made you some breakfast"

The Risen [John Seed] जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें