37 | puck's poison, pt. 1

Start from the beginning

     I don't know if I imagine the unease in her eyes. I don't know if she sees it, too.

     That art mimics reality.

A C T  I ,  S C E N E  2

     Jude's storyline is rather irrelevant in my opinion, but Mr. Allen still includes his character. Either to stay devoted to Shakespeare's original work or to piss Jude off even more. Probably both.

     He doesn't look me in the eye as he passes me to the stage. Neither does Justine when she returns to the back. She's there and then she's gone. Not so different as her not giving me the time of the day when we're in the hallway, but that's usually between a sea of people. Tonight, it's only the two of us and the dark.

     But as much as I want to grab ahold of her, I remember Jude's advice. So I stay away... from both of them.

     Adding to that, Liv doesn't spare me a glance, and Vic only offers me a pitiful nod once in a while. 

     I want to die into a hole.

    "Well, well, well," TJ smirks, "if it isn't the infamous Adelaide Hale, professional match — "

    "I'm not in the mood."

     He blinks once and clicks his tongue. "I heard about what happened, Hale. And damn," he chuckles, "you just love getting mixed up in other people's relationships, don't you? As if you don't already have problems with your own love life."

    "This isn't a fucking game, TJ," I snap, whirling towards him. I don't usually swear, and even TJ knows that, because he instantly shrinks back. "This is my life. My friends. Their relationships. What you tried to do during Never Have I Ever  that was fucked up. And I'll never forgive you for it." I can't stop. "You pretend like this is your reality show, but honestly, I think you're desperate for the kind of friendship we have. I think that as much as you hate us for some reason, you actually envy us. And I just feel sorry for you."

     And our scene begins.

A C T  II ,  S C E N E  1

     The woods are filled with fairies, the King and the Queen. Mr. Allen has to nudge TJ — who's King Oberon — forward to the centre stage; he's still shocked over my last words, and I smirk at the impact. Not until I get nudged forward, too.

     Oh, right. I'm his servant.

    "My gentle Puck, come here!" TJ wraps an arm around my shoulder and I have to pretend like I don't want to vomit. "Bring me that little flower which people call love in idleness. We will put the juice of this flower on Titania's sleeping eyes... she will love the first thing she sees..."

     I grin at him like a little boy. "I'll search the earth for it!" 

     Exit King Oberon and Puck.

     Vic and Liv's characters come back in, where they bicker about the latter's unrequited love. "And I am sick when I don't look on you," Liv pleads, and it's almost agonising looking at her at this moment, because her eyes look too sincere, especially when we cross paths.

    "Liv — "

    "Don't," is all she says, and it's a stab to my chest.

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