32. Nightwing and Robin vs villains pt 2

Start from the beginning

Dark shadow threw moonfish at a tree then was attack by Todoroki and Bakugou making dark shadow retreat back inside Tokoyami

Bakugou: You're still no match for me bird boy

Tokoyami: thank you

Shoji: you ok

Tokoyami: I'm sorry he said that he was gonna hurt Tsu the person I love, the anger consume me I couldn't contain it I ended hurting people

Shoji: I'll deal with that later that what you always say

Red hood: anyways Nightwing are you gonna tell them

Izuku: oh yeah

Shoto: wait who's he *points at Kota*

Then everyone looks at Kota

Izuku: oh guys you remember Kota right mandalay's nephew well he's gonna...

I was cut of by Kota

Kota: I'm gonna be a hero just like Izuku because he saved me and I saw what make him a hero so I'm his partner so call me Robin

Bakugou: Great the brat decides to be like deku

Kota: at least he's more heroic than you

Bakugou: WHAT DID YOU SAY??!!!

Izuku: now not the time for arguing the villain are after you kacchan

Shoto: but why him

Izuku: I don't know

Red Hood: I think I know why

We all faced red hood

Red hood: it because of his personality and the way he fights someone's who just wants to destroy everything in his path yeah that would make a great villain *loading gun* you kids need to get back to camp

Izuku: mandalay and the others are still fighting if we go that way that will lead the villains to us and it's a long way so we'll go straight

Tokoyami: but there could be more villains also who else might be in this forest might need help

Izuku: wait

I pull out a device from my belt and saw that there are a few more of our classmates in the forest

Izuku: guys Ochako and Tsuyu are still here in the forest

Tokoyami: we should go help them get back to camp

Red hood: you kids go I'll go help mandalay take care of those scumbag villains might give you all a advantage to get through I'll contact to make sure the coast is clear

Izuku: either that or you just want to see mandalay

Red hood just turn away but I can tell under that mask he was blushing

Izuku: let's go

Kota: you really think he likes my aunt

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