Great. "So what, are you a face reader now?"

He didn't answer. He just kept pulling me as he walked steadily towards the house, his hand getting tighter and firmer against me. I could've jerked my hand away, but I realized I don't want him to let me go right now. Not when I was feeling uncertain of being here tonight.

So I steadfastly held onto his hand and braced myself. I know this meant nothing to him. But it wasn't nothing to me.

No one has sensed our presence at first. We were just standing by the gates while looking at the people happily emerged into the celebration. Joshua inhaled deep as if he was starved of air and then he held my hand even tighter than he already did.

"It's Sir Jisoo." Someone whispered. And then everyone fell silent.

Everyone turned to look at us, just like what happened at the mini mall. The judging look crossed their eyes, frown of disapproval marred their faces, and the air of their cold breath welcomed us.

It was cruel.

But as I looked around us, something hit me. Those eyes weren't looking at me. Those discerning looks weren't for me. They were for Joshua Hong – he man who held my hand with assurance.

I suddenly wondered if he was doing that to keep me from running away or for himself — so he could find the strength to walk in and ignore all of them.

Shit! All these time I was thinking about my own selfish feelings and not realizing how hard this might be for him. I thought he just wanted to be here because of the girl . . . but was I wrong? I could have spared him this brutal subjection if I didn't push him to do this.

Double shit! What's wrong with me?

The longer we stood there, the higher my hackles rises and I felt my chest heave from anger toward myself and to these people. How could they take everything Joshua gives them for free and look at him like that?

I tightly held Joshua's hand, feeling all protective. I don't know if he could even feel my hand right now, or remember I'm here with him. He's just standing beside me, frozen.

We could turn around and leave right now if he doesn't want to do this, because I honestly don't want him to suffer any more of this. I will never force him again on anything like this. He could stay in his house and hide there all week and I won't bother him anymore.

I tugged at his hand. "Do you want to —"

I didn't continue my words when an old man came out of the house and smiled when he saw us. He was the only one with a smile in the sea of frowning lips.

With his cane, he walked towards us. As he got nearer, I could make out his graying hair and white short beard covering his chin and above his lips. He's probably in his early 60's. But he still managed to look strong and sturdy despite his use of a cane.

His shrewd eyes swept at our holding hands before clasping Joshua's shoulder and giving him a one-hand fatherly hug. Joshua dropped my hand to hug him back and I suddenly felt . . . deserted — which was strange and not right. I just touched my chain ring and wrung it around, trying to ignore the loss as I watched the two of them with a smile.

Without a word, the old man opened his arms and showed us in. Joshua smiled, but it looked strain and I wondered why. He looked at me and for a moment I thought he was going to reach for my hand, but he didn't.

"Go ahead." I said so he could walk first. I walked close behind him.

"You lady, you can come closer." The old man laughed as he beckoned his hand, telling me to come closer. "Is she the one Minkyung told me that's working for you?"

BOOK 4: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Hong Jisoo (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now