The First Meeting

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"Hi, Welcome to Mama's and Papa's, where the burgers are juicy, the fries are crispy and the shakes are creamy. My name is Jungkook, and I'll be your server today” He smiles. “What can I get for you?”

Work started a little late today for Jungkook. He felt so gross and sweaty. The poor boy didn't even get to redeem himself and shower this morning, since he wasn't able to last night. He just woke up, and went to work.


With the breeze wafting through his big apartment window which he decided to leave open because of the heat the night before, Jungkook shifts around a little due to the change in air, on his big brown dusty, yet soft couch. His eyes basically glued shut as he sleeps peacefully, with hair as crazy as ever, some strands of hair pointing North, South and West. You could tell Jungkook is appreciating his sleep very much.

Jungkook produces soft snores as his head hangs off the side of the couch, arm dangling over the side with his head, laying flat on his stomach. He wasn't even covered with a blanket, kind of just laying there, shivering a little from the breeze coming through.

Enjoying his deep and unbothered slumber, maybe a little too much, Jungkook's ears catch what sounds like very loud thumps. Trying to pry his eyes open at the very loud and disturbing thumps, he wakes from his sleep, although not completely, as his eyes were still half open, he isnt fully aware of what the heck was going on.

But when the sound continues, waking a few of his neighbors as well, his brain switches on, and his eyes open completely, showing his deep, dark brown orbs. He's awake, and he knows what the sound is. It's those bloody echoing stairs.

“Ugh” Jungkook groans, rubbing his eyes vigorously to clear his blurry vision.
He hates his apartment building. Loud stairways, rude neighbors and sometimes the building smelt like cheese. Gosh, he can't wait to leave this place.

When he grabs his phone to check the time, now fully awake, his eyes see what look like seven forty-nine a.m, and so when he blinks momentarily to check if he's seeing it right, he is. He's late.

At that, he jumps up immediately, searching for some shoes to put on. He had no time to change his clothes, he has to go in what he slept in, though he smells them just to check if they're ok, and they were not. They reeked of sweat and body odor. But he didn't have time to change, so he fumbles around clumsily, his brain may be awake, but his body is not, especially not his legs, which felt like jelly as soon as he stood up.

As he stumbles around his messy and very little apartment looking for some shoes, that's when he realizes his damn shoes are at the front door where he left them the night before. His head was not on right today.

Realization hitting him, he hits his head, repeating, “Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!” running back to the front door of his apartment, finding exactly what he was looking for, and just slipping half his feet in each shoe, his heels just squashing the back of them.

He then sighs, he needs a jacket. Running to his bedroom, he grabs a jacket, just throwing it on, running back to his front door and picking up his backpack that he just left on the floor last night with the rest of his stuff.

Opening the door about to leave, in such a scruffy, ragged manner, he remembers something. He goes back to grab his phone, putting it in his jacket pocket, before running out the door, letting it close on it's own as he runs down the long flight of annoying stairs, obviously gaining attention from his neighbors.

“Yah! Jeon! Keep it down!” Someone yells, poking their head out from behind their apartment door.

“Can't talk!” Jungkook replies, rushing down the stairs, with everything just hanging off of his body, his jacket not sitting on his shoulders, his pants almost falling down, and one of his shoes almost flung off of his foot, since Jungkook still did not adjust them onto his feet right.

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