11- Injure

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I had intended to distract her, to bring out her vulnerable side. It seemed like my plan had backfired. My fingers had never trembled when I touched a girl before, my heart didn't beat this loud. And that smell of orange or whatever. It was so mild, yet so addicting.

I couldn't afford to get carried away like this.

When I pushed her further towards the counter and pressed my body against hers, she unintentionally ended up clutching on to my shirt. She was giving away how weak I made her feel. As if I was all that kept her standing at this point.

Want. It was all I could see in her dark eyes. She let out a gasp when I wrapped an arm around her waist and cupped the back of her right thigh to lift her off the floor and sat her on the kitchen counter. I almost leaned forward to kiss her until, "Sehun-" She suddenly called out.

I tore my gaze off her lips in order to look into her eyes. There was a hint of hesitation in them, causing me to loosen my grip on her waist. "You want me to stop?" I asked. She lightly nodded and then, almost immediately, shook her head. She was so indecisive. "What do you want from me then?" I chuckled.

This was my last chance to escape and I probably wouldn't get another opening after today. So, I inched forward and brushed my lips against hers. Her eyes shut in anticipation and I used my left hand to slowly reach out to the knife she was using to chop vegetables earlier. It looked sharp enough.When I almost had my fingers wrapped around the knife handle, Kana's eyes fluttered open. I had no time. I immediately grabbed it and swung it over, unintentionally, slashing her arm in the process.

It was strange because she didn't scream, didn't yell, just closed her eyes in pain, swallowed it all while clutching her blood covered arm. I was very tempted to say, "Sorry, I swear I didn't mean it." but I couldn't afford apologetic words right now. I placed the knife near her throat and attempted a threatening glare. "I will not hesitate to do that to your throat. Ask the captain to take us to the nearest land surface." I demanded.

Kana breathed audibly and then got off the counter in one swift movement. I was still holding the knife in my left hand, aimed towards her throat and my other hand holding her in place. I don't know what part of it was the mistake.

It all happened too quickly. She did something with her foot, placed it behind my trembling legs and a gentle push was all she needed. Before I knew it, I was pinned to the floor with the same knife being used against me. It made me wonder if she was trained to handle a situation like this. I thought she'd kill me right there because in her eyes, I had attempted to kill her. Instead, she ran her fingers through her hair, straddling me with both her knees on the ground while she looked at me in disbelief.

"Why would you pick up a knife if you don't know how to use one?"

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