Chapter 3

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{Timeskip to Yang's return}

*Yang pov*

I just got back after a rest at home. Father wanted me to take more time off, but I was able to talk him into letting me go as long as he could have Professor Ozpin give him up a on my condition. Considering how badly him and Uncle reacted, I half expected my mother to show up... Foolish thought... She abandoned me long ago and couldn't care less about my problems.

As I walked up to Ozpin's to tell him I'm back, as he asked me to, I noticed that everyone was staring at me as I passed. The look on their eyes was clear as day and could be summed up in one word. Pity. From the way they were looking at me you would think I tried to take cyanide or slit my throat.

Right as I was about to reach the elevator however a sudden voice stopped me cold.

???: Well well. Look who's back guys. It's the pussy who couldn't handle it when life got a little tough. What happened? Did your mother not hug you enough? Why don't you tell ole Cardin here what's wrong.

Every one stopped dead and just stared at Cardin Winchester and his three teammates. There eyes were wide as if they couldn't believe what he just said. All I did was glare icily at the four dip shits. As much as I wanted to feed them their own teeth, I doubt Ozpin would appreciate the gesture.

As I started to walk past them Cardin out his hand on my shoulder to stop me and the other 3 surrounded me. They had their armor and weapons so I guess they just come from combat practice and thought they were tough.

Yang: Let go and move Winchester... I'm not in the mood.

Cardin: What are you going to do? Cry? Your weak. Tell you what? Empty your wallet and apologize for that look you gave me and maybe I'll let you go.

Him and his buddies looked smug as the felt superior.

Yang: Heh. Even in my weakest day you never did amount to much Cardin. Now last chance. Let go and step aside.

Cardin and his team laughed. I slowly started to move my hand to grasp his wrist. As I got my hand around it, he smugly stated,

Cardin: Why don't you make me crybab-


I twisted his wrist and snapped it like a twig. He screamed in pain cursing and ordering his team to attack. I just signed and activated my semblance ready to send these idiots to the hospital when a purple energy field surrounded me, deflecting the assault. I turned to see Ms.Goodwitch looking furious.


Cardin: He started it! He broke my fucking arm!!

Just then everyone around started to yell out that Cardin was lying to get me in trouble. Goodwitch glared at them and said in a deadly calm voice.

Goodwitch: I saw the how it started Winchester. I was with the headmaster waiting while watching the cameras for Mr.Xiaolong to arrive when you tried to extort money from him.

Team CRDL started to argue but some other teachers that I didn't recognize took them away kicking and screaming somewhere else to be dealt with later. Goodwitch then escorted me the rest of the way to the elevator. When we were alone I decided to speak up.

Yang: You didn't need to protect me, I could have handled them myself...

Goodwitch: And then Ozpin and I would have to explain to their parents why their children were put in the Emergency room.

That effectively ended that topic of conversation and soon the elevator opened and I met with the headmaster again.

Ozpin: Welcome back Mr.Xiaolong. I hope you had a restful break. I apologize for Cardin's behavior. I will have him severely punished for attacking you while you were unarmed.

Yang: No offence sir, but that doesn't really affect me as much as you other students here.

Ozpin: Regardless of whether or not you could handle them, and believe me I know you could have, if I let it slide, it says a bad example. Hunters fight grimm, they don't attack unarmed people minding their own business. If not you, they might have ambushed someone else that was less capable and injured them. That aside I would like to talk about how we move forward from here.

Yang: Don't worry about me, I'll try not to repeat that breakdown.

Ozpin smiled and took a sip from his mug.

Ozpin: I'm sure you will but you see that isn't what I had in mind. I'm talking about the future of your team and it's composition.

I raised my eyebrow in confusion as the last time we spoke he made it clear that he would not let me transfer teams or schools.

Yang: Meaning?

When he was about to answer Goodwitch entered and whispered something into his ear and he nodded.

Ozpin: It could wait for now. Since you... Incapacitated Team CRDL, we seem to be in a spot right now. They were about to fight Ms.Pyrrah Nikos. Since they cannot, why not you take their place to help you get back into shape.

Yang: Doesn't she usually fight entire teams due to her being a champion or something?I

Ozpin: Normally yes but we both know you are not a normal student. I for one look forward to see you in action. Oh and please don't hold back like you usually do. I would like to gauge your strength when compared to the others.

Yang: Fine I'll go immediately. No need to wait but... Don't blame me if something happens.

Ozpin: I trust you not to hurt her too badly but don't take her lightly, she isn't champion for just her looks.

Yang: ok...

Goodwitch: Very good, I will tell the class about the change. Please go and prepare yourself.

Yang: Don't need to take me there directly.

Goodwitch: W-what?! But your unarmed and unarmored! You could get hurt!!

Yang: ...Any weapon or metal armor I take would just be a liability against her. The others may not see it but if I'm right, she can control either metal weapons and armor or has telekinesis like you...

Ozpin smirked at her as if proving a point to Goodwitch. She on the other hand just stared wide eyed at me.

Ozpin: You know I think this practice battle will be more interesting than I thought. Good luck Yang Xiaolong.


A/n Well only about 2 weeks until I'm better so I'm going to try and get back into writing again. Next I'm going to update the Kiba story then Grandson. Also as for this story, I am going to try and take the usual canon and add my own spin to it so some things will be out of order, added, or replaced. As for the pairings... Still unsure. Most likely a harem so give me some ideas. Oh and like my grandson story, Ruby isn't 15 she is 17 here while everyone else is 18-19 with Yang being 18 so if I add her you can't call the FBI... you can still sing sweet Alabama or something about the incest but I'm from Texas... Sort of like Alabama but with Tex-mex food... In other words better. Thanks for reading.

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