The Party (Souichi Tsuji x Reader)!Teens

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You already don't want to be at this stupid party. Not only had you been more content to sit at home and left to your own devices, but the only reason you're here is because your now MIA friend had told you there would be booze. As it turns out, the host couldn't get hold of his dad's ID ("lost it", he'd said) and the entire party wound up booze-less. This didn't stop people from bringing beer of their own, but the drunks hogged it and now you're stuck with some shitty punch that hadn't even been spiked. Some jackass is standing behind you, breathing down your neck and trying to get your attention.

"So, uh, you like movies, or...?" he trails off as you walk away.

Wading through the crowd of teenagers - half angry because they aren't drunk, half stumbling because they are, all stupid and giving you a headache - you try to find your friend so you can ditch with her. She's nowhere to be seen in that living room, lost somewhere, maybe off with some guy. You scan the entire living room, shuffling through parts of the crowd, and all you manage to find in one lonely corner is a strange looking boy. His black hair is a mess and he's got some creepy stitched doll in his hand, other hand holding a pin.

"What's this? Some kinda voodoo bullshit?" you ask."Bullshit?" he parrots, not looking at you but looking intently across the room near the punchbowl. "If that's what you think, sit down, shut up, and watch this."Now curious, you do so, glancing at the doll and then at the punchbowl."See our dumbass host?" he asks rhetorically. "He's about to find himself face first in the punch."

You watch as the host draws nearer to the bowl, empty cup in hand. Out of the corner of your eye, you see the creepy voodoo boy poke the doll's left foot with the pin, pushing it through to the other side. The host gasps and his ankle gives way under him, sending him just as the boy had said: right into the punchbowl. Punch goes flying, soaking people in the crowd near him and causing a ruckus. You laugh at the sudden chaos, but voodoo?

"Yeah right," you say, "that was just a coincidence."The boy dismisses you with a, "if you say so."

Unperturbed by you, he reaches into his pocket for a slingshot and a small pellet. He puts the pellet in the belt and aims at the kitchen light. He makes a single sound-effect under his breath - a high-pitched "pew!" - and lets the pellet go. It hits the light, shatters it, then ricochets into the midst of the crowd with a loud pop when it hits the ground. If there was chaos before, it had just escalated tenfold.

"What the hell is wrong with your house!?" shouts one of the attendees."You got ghosts or something, man!"

The boy is giggling on the couch beside you, sounding so childlike for a teenager.

"C'mon, everyone!" the host urges, drying his face. "Let's just take this outside for a bit!"

Seems like a decent plan, with his house rather secluded. You wonder if this creepy boy is going to follow them outside and cause more mischief, but as the door handle is turned, the boy whispers behind his hand and the door refuses to budge.

"It's... It's locked!""Well, unlock it, you idiot.""I can't! There's no lock, only a handle!""What the hell are you talking about?"

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