1.2// Vices and Virtues

Start from the beginning

"It would have gotten weird if I kept talking," he warned her, with a crooked smile playing on his lips.

"Fine, you can tell me later. Don't think I'll forget," Melody stated, pointing a finger at Luke. A smile spread across his face, and Melody couldn't help but smile back at him.

"Can I have a hug?" Luke asked timidly, looking down at his hands and playing with his fingers.

"C'mere," she smiled, and outstretched her arms

Luke walked into her embrace, and wrapped his arms around her tightly. Mel cuddled her head into his chest, and Luke hummed in approval. 

"It's only been a week, but I've missed you so much," he whispered, into her hair.

"Missed you, too," she mumbled, and that's when it clicked in Melody's head.

She had only spent a week without talking to him, and she felt so hopelessly sad it was pathetic. Mel knew that she didn't want their relationship to be strictly platonic, she wanted Luke to be hers, and it terrified her. Anxiety was welling up in her chest, and she didn't know what to do. How was she supposed to not develop feelings for him? All he wanted to do was cuddle and talk to her about everything and anything. Not to mention he was very attractive.

She had a hopeless crush on the stupid blonde boy, who probably didn't feel the same way about her. Melody was not going to jeopardize their friendship to pursue a relationship, so she'd just have to get over this. She also couldn't let anyone know, because her friends were all rooting for her and Luke to get together. Melody knew it would never happen, Luke could have anyone he wanted so why would he want her?

Luke was pretty sure he knew why he was acting so weird with Melody for the past week. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he was falling for her. There was no way he couldn't, she was literally the best cuddler on the face of the Earth, and he was spending the majority of his time with her. Luke could talk to her for hours, and not get bored. The whole thing was disgustingly cliche, but he couldn't help the way he felt. He even had the selfie of him kissing her cheek as the background on his phone.

But he couldn't act on his feelings because he didn't want to drive Mel away, he'd done it this last week and it was absolutely miserable. These inconvenient feelings were the reason he had been with so many girls this week, he was trying to forget about them, and make them go away. He failed miserably, but it was worth a try.

"My work here is done," Ashton called, breaking the silence between them all. Luke and Melody pulled away from their embrace and laughed. They hadn't even noticed that Ash was still there. Ashton took a bow, and Mel started clapping. "Where is my thank you?" He asked, cupping his hand around his ear.

"Thank you so much, Dr. Phil," Melody giggled. Luke nodded.

"I'll leave you alone now," he said, and started walking back to the lunch room.

"I missed you," Luke said again, smiling at Melody.

"Who wouldn't miss me?" She teased.

"Someone with no soul," he shrugged. Melody laughed at this, she flicked her hair over her shoulder, and pursed her lips. 

"Very true, Lucas."

"Can I stop by tonight, after work? I'm cuddle deprived," Luke asked.

"I should say no," she started, Luke frowned and opened his mouth to protest, "but I won't because I'm the nicest person ever."

"You're a saint, Mel," Luke said sarcastically, with a roll of his eyes. 

The bell rang, signalling that lunch was over. Both Luke and Melody's books were in the lunch room, so they had to fight their way through the crowd to reach their things.

"If I'm late to class I'm blaming you," Melody called, speed walking ahead of Luke.

"Stop walking so fast," he groaned, taking larger strides to keep up with her.

They reached Melody's class as the bell rang, and she turned to wave at Luke.

"I'll see you later," she said and disappeared into the classroom.

Luke took his time getting to his class, he knew his teacher would be upset with him but there were more important things going on than school right now. Like the fact that he was falling for Melody, and there was no way that he could have an actual relationship with her. He was thinking about telling her earlier, but decided not to because he was so afraid she would really never speak to him again.

He didn't understand how he developed such strong feelings for her in the short amount of time he had known her. He needed to talk to someone about this, but his friends would make fun of him and tell him to grow a pair. He didn't want to talk to Autumn or Nikki either because he was sure they would just tell Mel everything. His brothers would make fun of him as well, and Liz would push him to date her because she loved Mel. There was only one person left: Calum.


This is definitely the crappiest chapter I've written oops and the title is most definitely not a panic at the disco album. But I'm excited because they like each other and neither of them know the other one likes them even though it's kind of obvious ok. This wasn't really eventful, it was kind of just a filler so yeah.

If you want to know about my life here's a lil something for you. I went to a party on Friday night, and I got very drunk (jello shots are not my friend alright) and I literally threw up in a cup so that was really awesome. Other than that it was a good time, but I have bruises all over me because I think I walked into some things but I don't remember so yeah. ALSO I AM GETTING OUT OF PRE CALC CAN I GET A HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Thank you for the reads, votes, and nice comments on this y'all are my favorites ok.


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