We had eventually got there, and she put down her bike, getting their attention. They seemed to be debating about who is going in first.

We shared a look before saying we would go, and hurriedly got undressed. It was weird, usually people wore bathing suits, but oh well.

We both ran off the ledge, but before we jumped off, Beverly decided to tease them.

"Sissies!" She yells before we jump off.

"We just got shown up by two girls." Richie says, then Beverly and I start to laugh.

We gestured for them to jump down, and so one by one, they all did.

"Okay, so who are you guys?" I ask the three people I didn't get names of.

"I'm Eddie, and that's Stanley." The smaller one says, pointing.

"And I'm Ben," the other says.

I nod, and look around. "This place is different.."

"No, it's the same.." Eddie says, confused.

"Yeah whatever." I say, and began looking around more as I swam.

"What's so cool about this? It's literally trees, rocks, and water." Richie says, coming up beside me.

"It's just different than what I'm used to. Nobody ever comes here in my time unless they want to.. I don't know. They just go to local pools or something."

"I would say that's cool, but I really don't care." Richie shrugs.

I shove him with my elbow, making him wince in pain and scoot over some. "Of course you don't care, but I bet Stan will."

"What?" His whole face dropped when I said that.

"Just go away, since you don't care. I'll find somebody else that does."

"Fine." Richie says, going over to where everyone else is.

I sigh, and look at all of them. They were playing chicken, and here I was looking at fucking trees.

"Tiana, do you want to play?" Stan asks me, noticing how I was just staring at things.

"Sure, what are we doing?" I asked, going over to them.

"We're playing chicken." He says.

"Okay, let me on your shoulders then."

"Uh- okay." He bent down to let me on.

I got on his shoulders, and we were going to go against Beverly and Bill. Beverly and I were pushing each other and laughing until I finally got her down.

"Yes!" I cheer, laughing along with Stan.

I got off his shoulders, and high-fived him. Then, we just isolated ourselves from everyone else. "This place is so cool, it's nothing like it is in my timeline."

"Really? That does sound cool.."

"Yeah. Wanna see something from the future?" I asked.

TIME | RICHIE TOZIERWhere stories live. Discover now