Chapter 1

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The judge rolls his eyes as my mother pleads her case.

"I will take better care of her I swear! I will give up the drugs, just give me another chance!" She cries hoping she can convince them to let her have me. Her crocodile tears are running down her face leaving long black lines. She looks desperate like any good Mother would at the thought of losing her child.... Well played mother.

I swear there is no better actor then a junkey but it seems the judge has saw enough.

My Mom has been high on coke for well I guess my entire life. I don't remember her ever being clean.

My Dad was the same, he actually died in bed with her after a overdose when I was 13 . That's when shit got real and my Mom had to start looking for someone else to pay for her fix.

That's when she started to use me as her crack whore. 1 hour with my beautiful baby girl per hit. The bitch was too strung out to realize that after 3 good hits she was out for the night and they would just take advantage of it. They would use for the whole night and into the next day.

So now at 16 I am finally finished with her bull shit. I went to my counselor at school, told her what was up and here we are. I figured foster care can't be as bad as the constant rape. Some people would call me brave but in reality I'm the desperate one not my mother. I know that if I stay any longer I'll probably end up dead or worse just like her.

"Terminated Parental Rights!" Sounded like music to my ears when the judge hit his gavel.

Looking at my new social worker I can not help but smile. Today is the day that I take charge of my life, today I go to a new family, and I can finally get away from my Mama and her "friends." As scared as I am I have a good feeling about this.

Foster care fucking sucks and I can't wait until I am 18. I have been with this family for 6 months and I am about to call my social worker and ask to be moved.

These ass holes don't know the first thing about parenting. I swear to God if the wife grabs for my dick one for time I am going to chop her nasty meaty fingers off.

Just 1 more year I quietly remind myself and then I am out of here. Just one more year.

"Hey dip shit your getting a sister today." My Foster Dad Greg says walking into my bedroom.

He is a very large man both tall and fat. It smells like something died in his mouth and crawled out his ass most of the time. I can't fucking stand him.

Yet he isn't the worst foster Dad I have ever had. Sure he drinks too much and can throw a mean left hook when you don't move quick enough. But he at least leaves my dick in my pants and cusses his wife when she tries to do the opposite.

Fuck. I really hate my life.

"Don't care, I'll be out late tonight." I grumble. Greg just shrugs and walks away. He doesn't give a fuck what I do as long as he gets his check every month. now that's at least something I can tolerate.

I hate the families that try to playhouse the ones that act like we're a perfect unit. Like I was born into their home, like there's nothing wrong. When in fact everything is wrong. So as much as I hate Mrs. Grab My Dick this isn't such a bad gig.

They don't pretend to love me and I don't pretend to love them. There's food in the cabinets, no curfew, and no expectations.

It's as good as a situation can get for a guy like me but it doesn't stop me from hating my life. It does not stop me from wanting more but having no idea how to get it.

Sighing I hear the door open and my foster Mom start talking in an obnoxiously loud voice. Obviously someone is here she is trying to impress. My guess it's my new "sisters" social worker.

Peaking out of the crack from my door my jaw almost hits the floor. There is no fucking way she can ever be considered my sister. She is beautiful and my dick is already rock hard.

She is small, actually she is just plain skinny. But she has a face to die for with big lips and big blue eyes all frames by long brown hair. Yep definitely not my sister.

Okay y'all what do you think!?!?!

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