02| I Didn't Mind It

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Kaycee POV

"do you have a boyfriend?"

i slowly look up from my phone and see that all of them are staring at me. i rotate my body to see if there was anyone behind me.

"me?" i ask, pointing to myself. he nods as a response. my eyebrows furrowed in confusion as to why he'd ask that.

i was caught off guard by the question. it came out of nowhere. "no."

"good to know." sean looks at his friends and smirks. i laugh to myself at his question.

'do you have a boyfriend?' who does he think i look like?

"what's funny?" julian asks. i noticed that i started to laugh harder which brought attention to me.

"the fact that sean had the thought of me having a boyfriend. that's ridiculous." i giggle. i put my phone back in my pocket and start to search my book bag for money.

"do you want one?" sean asks, putting his hand on my knee where no one could see.

"no." the bell rings and i pick up my bag after putting my chair back to the table it was at originally settled.

"i could walk you to class if you want," sean suggests. "i could also do some other things you want too." he winks. "i'm good, thanks."

i start to walk away, but i remember something. "oh and sean," i bend down to his eye level and put my hand on his thigh. i put my mouth next to his ear. "touch me like that again, you'll be castrated, got it?" i bite his earlobe gently and run my hand up and down his thigh. i stand up straight and look at the guys.

"nice meeting you all!" i said, nodding to them with an innocent smile. their faces were filled with shock. i shrug it off and continue to walk to my next class.

bailey and tahani told me about their ways after i met sean and josh. throwing girls away like tissue. i don't judge people off of what others say, but the way sean acted then, proved the rumors to be true.

first impressions can be misleading, i guess.

Sean POV

"seems like you got a piece of work there, mr. lew." josh price laughs, standing up.

i can't believe she turned me down. repeatedly. i didn't think she would be easy, but i thought she would at least flirt back.

i roll my eyes and groan in frustration.

"let's get to class, students." an administrator called out. we head to class together, since we had the same class that period.

i couldn't stop thinking about kaycee. at first, i adored her. she lit up the room just from her presence. but now, i wanted her in every way possible. even when she threatened me, it drove me crazy. i liked aggressive she was. the way she touched me had me paralyzed. i was already addicted and all we had were two encounters.

speaking of the devil, when we walked into the classroom, she was seated at a desk in the back talking to nat, who was sitting at the desk in front of her. they were laughing about something.

her laugh was music to my ears.

i looked at the guys and they were thinking the same thing i was. we walked over to the desks next to them and sat down. it was our study hall period.

"hey nat, hey kayc." josh b said with his signature smile on his face.

"hey guys." nat says. i look at kaycee and see she's on her phone focused. her eyebrows slightly furrowed, her pink and soft lips slightly parted, skin clear. she was glowing, absolutely beautiful. i bit my lip as i checked out her body.

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