Epilogue: In Cupid's Office

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The god of love Cupid sat at his desk looking up at his messenger. Never before had such a thing happened. Never before had one of his subordinates made such a mistake. A list. One of his lists had been lost and fallen to Earth.

"Where?" Cupid asked, burying his face in his hands.

The subordinate angel flinched and stepped nervously from one foot to the other. "In Japan. But there is no need to worry."

"No need to worry?" Cupid asked and looked up irritated. "What does that mean? Without my spell, people do not understand love! They wander around each other like blind sheep! They make mistakes and remain alone forever!"

The angel smiled shyly. "It was possible for a couple to find to each other, although only one of them was under the spell. The list fell into the hands of the other."

Amor raised an eyebrow in surprise. "He has recognized his love? Astonishing."

The angel nodded. "They've contacted everyone on the list, and they're just getting together one couple after another."

The god of love remained silent for a moment. "What are their names?

"Bakugou Katsuki and Kirishima Eijirou."

There was a moment of silence when Cupid thought. "What did the future have planned for them?" he asked thoughtfully.

The messenger angel shrugged his shoulders and Cupid stood up sighing and walked towards a huge cupboard full of folders. He stroked his finger over the back of the folders until he found the one, he was looking for.  He pulled it out and placed it on the desk before sitting down again.

He opened the folder and searched the register for the couple and when he had finally found it, he turned to the correct page. A smile crept onto the God's face. There was a short note under the two names: Eternally together.

"Good." whispered the god. "They deserved it."

Thank you so much for reading my story and voting an commenting so much! And again a big thank you to kirishimaunbreakable, without whom all this woudn't have been possible!

Hopefully we'll see each other again when my next translation project starts! <3

CUPID'S LIST (Kirishima x Bakugou)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora