Chapter 1- The reunion/ The participants!

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Red, Blue and Ash travel through Kanto to the new Tournament that they was invited too.

They see the arena and people are buying tickets to watch the Tournament.

Ash: This arena is huge

???: It should be, I put a bunch of money too it.

Ash turns to see that Steven stone, the former hoenn champion.

Red: Steven Stone...what a surprise

Steven: The famous Red, Blue and even, Ash Ketchum...I'm honored.

Blue: So, you started the Tournament?

Steven: Yes.

Red: Why?

Steven: To be honest...I just wanted some fun with the strongest trainers. Also, I started this tournament to see who, would be the master trainer of all pokemon.

*Blue grabs Steven by the shirt*

Blue: You sound like...Hoopa.

Steven: Blue, I heard what happen at the last Master Tournament and I promise you that this Tournament is 100% safe.

*Blue lets go of Steven and looks at the arena*

Ash: Anyway, Who is in the tournament?

Steven: Trainers from different regions and some of Red and Blue know.

Ash: I'm just hype too battle, I gotta call my mom.

*Ash runs to a pokemon center to contact his mom*

Red: (That kid is weird) Steven, Are the other trainers here?

Steven: Only, two...They are in the lobby of the arena, just walk through the doors and you should see them.

Red: ok.

Steven: OH WAIT! Here is your ID to enter the lobby.

Red: Uh, thanks.

Red goes to the door and shows his ID to go to the lobby.

The lobby has four TVs, Magazines, and everything a lobby would have.

???: Dude, this tournament is gonna be lit

???: This tournament will be like the last...a rock slide for Red.

Red sees that Gold and Ruby said those things.

Gold sees Red walk through the doors and hugs Red.


Red:....Miss you too

Ruby: Sup, Red.

Red: Hey, Ruby...hows it been.

Ruby: and Gold started a business and we got bankrupt...then, we came here.


Gold: Anyway, Wheres blue and the others.

Red: Blue, is outside and the others are coming.

???: Well...isn't this a reunion.

Red: Turns around to see Diamond with Hilbert from Unova. Serena from Kalos. Sun and Moon from Alola.

Red: The gang is finally here.

*Serena huga Red*

Serena: Its been awhile

Sun: Yeah, good to be reunited

Gold: You can say that again.

Blue comes in the lobby but, with friends from the past.

Red sees Green and Yellow walk into the lobby with Blue.


Green: Hello, Red...

*Red goes in for a hug but, Green slaps Red to couch and Red lands on Gold*


Yellow: Uh...hi red.

Red: Blue, never told you?

Green: No because Me and Yellow was in Sinnoh the whole time for vacation and then, we got this could have called.

Blue: Red, its okay...I got slapped too.

Steven, walks into the lobby to the team some news.

Steven: Ok guys, This Tournament will be split into two groups...Group Alpha and Group Omega.

Gold: Because this Arena has two stages?

Steven: Yes...Ok, in group Alpha, we got Red, Green Ruby, Gold, Silver, N, Sun and Hilbert.


Steven: In group Omega, we got Blue, Serena, Diamond, Moon, Barry, Yellow, Gladion and...Ash.

Diamond: Barry is here...

Serena: Ash....

Sun and Moon: GLADION!!!!!!

Silver: The Tournament will start tomorrow, so get ready and get a good sleep.

Pokemon Master Tournament 2: Villains Unite!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora