Chapter 2 - the old woman

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Chapter 2

I had only heard about people who had powers like Claire's about a year ago. What had my dad called them? I've forgotten the name he had given them but they had powers similar to Claire's I knew a little bit about them but I never really thought much about it.

I can't belive I never saw it coming. Claire was a nature fanatic long before she got her powers.

My thoughts are drifting back to powers. The main reason I left the house was to runaway from these crazy thoughts and theories.

I guess they followed me here.

 I sigh as I look out through the window of the subway. It's Saturday, and I'm on my way to the mall.

The little speaker tinges announcing the name of the train station where the mall is. A few minutes later I'm leaving a shop I've just browsed, and I run into Sharon. Giving her a brief hug, I ask what she's up to.

"Well frankly, nothing. I just came here to be alone."

 "Me too!" I exclaim. She looks down at her watch and makes a choking sound.

 "Oh great. I am so dead," she mutters, chewing her lower lip hard.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I was meant to be at home twenty minutes ago," she shrieks, giving me a panicked look. 

 "Go go go! I yell, pushing her towards the exit. She yells goodbye and bounds out the door, gracefully. Like a cat. 

 I like being with friends, but being alone is pleasant at times.

I aimlessly stroll through the mall. It's not a big mall, but it sure is distinct compared to other ones. Shortly after entering, you pass an archway and after that, it is very easy to get lost. The roof is made of a thick glass, giving a greenhouse feel, and the sky is clearly visible. There are small trees everywhere and plants here and there. The ground is made of cobblestone. It looks like the town square of a small town. Food carts occasionally pop up now and then and there are even birds. Sparrows, I think they're called. The temperature is always perfect, not too hot or cold and the windows up top are open in some places, allowing a small breeze. It's one of my favorite places to be. Especially when it rains.

When it rains there's the pitter-patter of icy drops from the sky hitting the glass panes, creating a noise which I found calming. It's nice to lie here then and get carried by your thoughts.

 I make my way to the small Italian ice-cream stand. I purchase a small bowl of mixed scoops and relax on a bench. A muscular, lean figure is sitting on one of the benches to the left, his face concealed in a book. He has tufts of dark brown hair sticking up messily, and he's wearing a v-neck sweater, rolled up to his elbows with dark wash jeans. Tyler!

"Hey," he grins, waving me over. Suddenly I feel self conscious. My hair is in a messy ponytail, and I'm wearing yoga pants with a plain t-shirt and a hoodie with my black Converse shoes. I pull my hoodie tighter around me, and undo my hair and let it flow to my shoulders. 

I stop myself. What am I doing? Tyler is my friend. I shouldn't be caring. In a swift motion I pile hair up into a bun, and focus on his clear eyes.

 "What are you doing here?" I ask, pulling out a chair from the table he was sitting on. 

 "Nothing much really, I just came to get a few things," he explains, rolling his sleeves a little higher. I nod, and can't help but notice how toned he is. I hold my breath. And breathe out slowly. Stop.

"Wasn't Sharon here a few minutes ago?" I question, scooping ice-cream into my mouth.

 "I don't know... I think I saw her," he responds, seeming to avoiding my eyes. I sit with him for a while. I just love being in his presence... I feel safe. Not that he would be able to help me if I suddenly got my powers. He's an ordinary guy, not stuck with the whole powers thing.

My vision blurs, and I realize I have a tear rolling down my cheek. Where did that come from? He shifts his gaze from his book to me and draws his breath in. He sets his book down, and wraps his arm around my waist. I flinch, and then relax. He pulls me close onto his chest. 

"Are you okay?" he asks, his voice laced with concern. I have a warm feeling spreading through my chest. I nod. I'm okay now. We sit like that for a while, and I inhale his sweet scent. I can't decipher what he smells like, but it's a scent I'm never going to get enough of. 

But he's my friendWhat am I doing? I can't break from his grip. Either because he's strong, or because I don't want to. Maybe both.

My watch glistens in the light and I realize what time it is. It's 4:00. I had managed to spend 3 hours doing absolutely nothing. I need to get home now.

I close my eyes tight and then open them, and look up to him. 

"I have to go..." my voice trails off. He releases me and looks into my eyes. 

"See you around," he says.

 A few minutes later, I'm sitting in the subway, flipping through a magazine. That moment I'd just spent with Tyler was beautiful. I'm feeling so much better now... less tense. It's not like that took away all my problems but it's so comforting to be in someone's arms. Especially someone like Tyler; a sweet, smart, understanding guy.

I glance around. A business-man sits next to a baby in a stroller, while the mom rocks the stroller back and forth, next to him. It's actually a pretty deserted, no one's really here. An old, frail looking woman sits near the door, clutching a walking cane. There's something strange about the woman... I just can't put my finger on it. She's pale with short, wiry hair and gray eyes. But... there's something in her eyes. A glint. Like she knows something no one else will ever know.

When the next stop comes, a few more people get on. I gasp, and clutch the handle next to me tighter. When the subway door had opened, a strong breeze had filled the stuffy compartment and the old lady's grey hair has been blown back, and I saw black hair underneath.


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