Part 11

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Peerage List:

Lucille - Queen
Kusara - Knight 1
Kara- Knight 2
Jade - Bishop 1
Rose - Rook 1
Eva - Rook 2
Keith - Pawn 1
Grace - Pawn 2
Jada- Pawn 3

Your Weapons: Trinity and Frenzy


You and Lucille stood there as Riser and his peerage stood across from you, your peerage were in hiding around him ready to attack him from all sides if needed. Lucille was about to charge as a red teleportation circle appears in between everyone. It was a Gremory teleportation circle, but something was different about it. You got prepared to have to take out both peerages, but instead of Rias. A maid came out of the circle, she looked like a normal maid but you could tell she was powerful

Grayfia: My name is Grayfia, We have sensed Great power coming from this area. Were you about to fight?

(Y/N): More like me getting ready to smack around Riser here, but we call it that.

Riser: Riser would never-

Grayfia: If you guys would like it, we can arrange for a rating game?

A smile creeps across Riser's face, the arrogance once returning to his face. 

Riser: Riser would like that, Riser is undefeated in rating game's. 

Grayfia: Do you agree to this (Y/N)?

(Y/N): I accept

Grayfia: Then it is settled, this battle will happen in a week, make sure to train and prepare yourselves.

Riser: Riser shall leave then, this phoenix cannot wait to crush the lion.

Riser teleports leaving you, Lucille and Grayfia there.

(Y/N): Well, we best train.

Lucille: We have been training, we'll get back to it

(Y/N): Alright, let's head back. It was an honor to meet you as well Grayfia

You bow to her in respect, shocking her as this differs from what she had heard of you.

Grayfia: Truly a pleasure here as well my lord

She bows to you as well, but her inner dialogue is all over the place. What is this man, did they lie to her. What is going on?

Grayfia: I shall take my leave, good luck.

In an instant that red circle had appeared and taken her away.


(Y/N): Can you guys give Jada a tour as well of the Pyramid? It's easy to get lost in here.

Keith: Of Course.

(Y/N): Now then, what to do?

Fuorr: The best thing you can do is work on getting all the rest of your pieces. You need a knight, a bishop and 5 pawns

(Y/N): That's 8 more pieces, that's a lot to get in such a short time.

Fuorr: I can tell you where they are to help, in fact I sense one now.

(Y/N): Hmm?

Fuorr: And there's another strong power source there, they seem to be fighting. 

(Y/N): Alright, I'll head there.

You teleport there, there was a white haired girl on the ground, unconscious. Above her stood...

(Y/N): Issei!

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