Imagining having to be here during an actual ball, with actual highborn lords and ladies milling about, made Rowan want to run, hide, and vomit profusely.

William could see that she was uncomfortable, and he turned to face her, taking both her hands in his. "Relax, Rowan," he murmured with a slight chuckle. "I can confidently tell you that ballroom dancing is a lot less complicated than stepdancing. If you can do that, this'll be easy." He started to pull her towards the center of the room. "Just follow my lead."

"Oh aye, y'would say it's easy, y'grew up doin' it," she grumbled under her breath. But, Ro realized that she would have to know this sooner rather than later, and relented with a sigh. "Alright."

He smiled and let go of her hands, only to give a bow and offer one again. "My lady."

Blushing, Ro took it, trying not to roll her eyes and voice her thinking that this was stupid. However, that was her stubbornness and embarrassment talking, and she also tried to let both of those go as Will started to lead her in a dance. She at least knew where her hands went, but that was as far as she knew. The rest was all him.

Off a few feet away, Torin was spinning in circles, mimicking them, and his claws making him slip around awkwardly on the smooth floor. Rowan caught a glimpse of this between concentrating really hard on not tripping over herself or Will, and snickered quietly. Will also saw Torin on the next spin and chuckled himself. Then he gazed at Ro affectionately, and she found herself shying away from it, blushing darkly again. "See?" he murmured. "Easy."

"Yes, yes," she muttered begrudgingly, rolling her eyes. Then she cried out with surprise as Will lifted her into the air briefly yet unexpectedly, and he laughed at her. "Not funny!" she exclaimed, smacking his shoulder with the hand resting on it. "Y'fookin' cock."

William only snickered. "Alright here, I'll warn you this time."

"Wha—" Ro was cut off as he basically tossed her forward, before spinning her back to him, and then holding her around her waist to dip her. Her face, neck, and ears now were all quite red, and he was very clearly amused by that. "I—you—y'fookin'—" she spluttered, clutching at his neck as she got over the surprise.

"Not so bad right?" he joked, and she felt the urge to smack him again. The warmth returned to his gaze, and he leaned forward a little, with the intent to kiss her.

Unfortunately, the doors opened and startled them both into freezing and staring. Frightened as well, Torin scampered towards them and hid behind Ro with a squeak.

Standing in the doors was Owen. He stopped and blinked at them for a moment, his head tilted. Then he went, "Aww~."

William cleared his throat and straightened back up, taking Ro with him. They took their arms back, and Rowan swished her skirt awkwardly, her face uncomfortably hot, while Will clasped his hands behind his back. "What is it, Owen?"

"Were you two just dancing?"

"Owen, focus, please."

"Uhh." The handservant was silent a moment, seemingly forgetting what he'd come here to say, before shaking his head quickly and coming forward. "I have news of the knights for you, my Lord," he said with a smile.

Ro and Will exchanged an interested glance, before looking back at Owen. "Well, tell us then," said Will, raising a brow.

"They're all okay, right?" Rowan asked, glancing over her shoulder at Torin, who was playing with her skirt. She swished the fabric away from him. "Stop that, will ye."

"Oh aye," Owen replied, his smile broadening. "They're just fine."

They both stared at him promptingly. "....So?" William urged.

"Oh, right." The handservant nodded. "They've just returned with Lord Trutha firmly in custody. As well as...a few other unexpected guests."

Will frowned. "Define unexpected guests."

"Knights, my Lord," Owen replied. "Apparently King Ruarc wanted to send his own, I...don't know their names. But according to Sir Quinton, the king only sent his most trusted. I suspect to ensure that whatever happens, he ends up with the truth."

"That's...fair," Will admitted, nodding and rubbing his jaw. Then he looked at Ro and said, "Let's go see what your brother has to say about this, hm?"

The simple notion that Seán was back safe was enough to get Rowan moving before either of them. "What're we waitin' fer?" she asked, as if William's question were redundant, and heading swiftly for the doors.

* * * * * *

Thank you for reading up until this point. Feel free to consider following myself for updates on this novel and future stories. If you're so inclined, also feel free to leave a comment - I love hearing from readers!

XOXO Alice

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