Chapter Thirty-Seven

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William Novett

William smiled as Rowan pressed her head against his back. He figured that she would be placed behind Seán, but given the circumstances he understood why she wasn't as well.

Fortunately, the final few hours seemed to go fast. However, the final few hours were also the most tense. Being closest to Caelfall, the chance of finding the assassin was highest. It was a good thing that Rowan was asleep so she couldn't see the three knights with their bows out, ready to fire at any moment.

Finally, they were entering the large city. Though night was falling, Will could still hear the chatter in the streets. The instruments playing. The drunks stumbling down the sidewalk. Oddly enough, it was home.

The sounds must have stirred Rowan slightly. William reached back his hand and placed it gently against Rowan's side to keep her from falling off. She lifted up her head slightly, gazing at the busy town wordlessly.

However, they weren't heading for the town surrounding the castle. They were heading to the castle itself.

After getting past some guards, William began to head over to the stables. At this point, Rowan was much more awake and alert - likely taking in her surroundings. The knights and Prince dismounted. William held up his hand to Rowan and helped her down. Still being tired, she stumbled slightly. William merely left his hand on her waist to stabilize her.

"Where's Sir Theodore?" A man approached. William lifted up his head to see Sir Parker, another one of his knights.

"Broke his leg." William said with a frown. "I left him under the care of a doctor in Monalin, however he also might be at the inn." Will said, nodding his head to Sir Parker. "Send a wagon or something for the knight to ride back in."

Parker smiled and nodded his head. "Yes, m'lord." He turned away, pausing for a moment. He glanced back and nodded his head. "Glad you got back safely."

Will chuckled and nodded his head. "Me too."

Servants practically appeared out of nowhere, beginning to approach the horses to put them away. To William and the knights, it was normal. However, to Rowan, it was unfamiliar. The woman made a face in confusion and watched as the servants began to touch the horses. However, the moment one touched the horse with the dragon's egg, she became visibly unhappy.

"Ah," Will dropped his hand from Rowan's waist and stepped over to the horse. He took Thunder's reins and smiled. "Thank you, Oliver. I'll be having Owen take care of Thunder." William said, glancing towards Owen. Owen immediately stopped handling Dune and swapped spots with Oliver, stepping over to Thunder. "Bring the egg and all of Rowan's belongings up to..." Will paused for a moment, recalling the rooms with empty bedchambers. "Let's put her in the one next to me."

Seán stepped forward at this point and placed his hand against Will's shoulder. "I can take care o' Rowan. Don't worry about it, Prince William."

Will shook his head and smiled. "I promised your father that she'd be under royal care." He said with a chuckle. "Besides, keeping the egg closer to me would likely be best and keep the King's nerves down - well, when he recognises it's here."

Charlin made a face in agreement at that comment and gave a soft whistle. Will rolled his eyes and stepped over to Rowan, placing his hand against her waist again. Being that the castle was such a big place, he figured that it would be easier to walk her around like this. "Welcome to Caelfall, Rowan." Will spoke down to her with a slight smile.

Rowan blinked her eyes and squinted up at the large castle. "Thanks," She said softly, likely admiring the castle. If it was her first time being around royalty it was likely also her first time seeing a castle - let alone being in one.

"It's not as intimidating as it seems," William offered as they began to walk towards the castle.

"I'm not intimidated." Rowan stated stubbornly, though her face said otherwise.

Passing by a female servant, William slowed his steps and turned to her. "Would you ready the chambers next to mine for living?" Will said, nodding his head down to Rowan. "Light the fire as well."

"Yes, m'lord." The woman said while dipping her head and scurrying herself away.

Rowan remained silent for a few moments. Then, she muttered softly, "This is so fuckin' weird..."

William laughed as he lowered his hand from her waist. "It'll warm up to you." He offered with a smile. "Let me give you a... quick tour. I won't be able to cover every area, but I'll do what I can."

* * * * *

"This hallway has half of the bed chambers." William said, nodding his head. "All of my siblings sleep in this wing, including myself and you for the time being."

Rowan nodded her head mindlessly as she continued to process more of the castle. Only while showing her around did he recognise how big it actually was. To William, the layout wasn't difficult at all. It was logical, if anything. However... the man grew up here. To someone who had never been here before? Well, he could understand how it was intimidating.

"Here," William started down the hallway next to Rowan. He stopped in front of a door and pushed it open with his hand, keeping it open with his foot. "This is my bed chambers. Feel free to have a look." Will said. Once Rowan stepped inside, William shut the door behind himself.

"Uh." Rowan glanced around the rather large room with tall ceilings. She glanced up and towards the open windows. "...Nice." She eventually murmured, her eyes casting towards William's desk.

Will chuckled and pulled the door open again. "How about we take a break and head into your room for the visit. I'm sure you wanna give your pet dragon egg a big hug." He teased slightly, shaking his head in continued disbelief.

Hearing the egg, Rowan gave a slight snort. "Don't be patronizin'." She walked over to the door that William was holding open. "Fook you."

William stepped out of the door after Rowan to see a handmaiden staring at Rowan in slight shock with her eyebrows up. She pressed her lips together in confusion while glancing over at the Prince, practically baffled that he was taking this kind of language.

Letting out a laugh, William stepped over to Rowan and placed his hand on her shoulder. "No worries." Will said with a smile. "She's... adjusting."

Rowan made a slight face but remained silent. The handmaiden bowed slightly to the Prince, keeping her head down. "Yes, m'lord." She said, starting to walk away. However... William held up his hand, to which she stopped and looked up.

"This is Lady Rowan," William gestured over to Rowan with a smile. "She will be staying with us for an indefinite amount of time. Can I trust you to tend to her needs, Elizabeth?"

Elizabeth smiled and bowed again to Prince William. "Of course, my lord." She said happily.

William smiled and nodded his head to the adjacent door next to him. "She'll be staying in there. Why don't you go ahead and show Rowan her room and let her get settled in."

Turning her attention to Rowan, Elizabeth smiled happily and clasped her hands together. She immediately began to talk to Rowan, however William's eyes gazed past Rowan to a door that had just opened, popping out a head.

"Excuse me," William murmured while stepping past Rowan. He began to walk down the hallway, a soft smile on his lips as he stopped in front of the room with the cracked door. The door immediately began to start shutting, but Will put his foot in to stop it from shutting.

"Now is that really a way to say hello?" Will patronized with a smile on his lips towards the door. Following his words, a laugh escaped from the room. The door was pulled open to reveal a young girl with short brown hair, just as wavy as William's. She stepped out of the room and reached to hug Will's legs, though William leaned down and picked up the four foot little girl into his arms, hugging her and swinging her around. "I missed you too, Evelyn." He said with a warm chuckle. 

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