Good Luck, RK900 [PART ONE]

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I'm back bitches

this is subtle reed900 but I decided to post it here anyways


"Detective Reed? There's a homicide we need to investigate."

"Detective Reed, I am required to assist you on all cases. Whenever you use my accommodation to your advantage, that's your decision, but I will help you."

"Detective Reed, please don't do this. Whatever struggles you're going through are just obstacles- I know you're stronger than this."

"Detect- Gavin, I must admit that I took quite enjoy your company."

"Gavin, I feel the same way about you."

"Gavin, I need help."

"I'm trapped."

"I miss you."

"Gavin, help.."

"I'm scared.."


Everything around him was dark and silent, eerily quiet. He couldn't see, a blindfold tied around his face to conceal his eyes. Hands bounded together by thick rope digging marks into his synthetic skin as well as his ankles tied together, he had been forced into a sitting position against the cold wall. The RK900's clothes were tattered and ruined, splatters of the blue bioluminescent fluid known as thirium. Though he couldn't see, multiple warnings flashed urgently in his visual display about critically damaged systems.

It's been months the last time Conan saw the outside world. Four and a half, to be exact. He couldn't recall how he had been kidnapped, only who had done it. Every time the thought of his captor crossed his mind, he felt his blood boil with rage and venom.

His mind had grown numb as the days went by. His once highly advanced and efficient cognitive systems tarnished and sabotaged by lack of activity, physically exhausted and tormented. Mentally the android had grown unstable- impulsive, erratic, and unpredictable. Despite such details, he was determined not to be broken and shattered.

His determination and will had been faltering, crumbling into bits as his sanity slowly eroded away with every interaction he had with his monstrous, sadistic captor.

He heard footsteps approaching, immediately recognizing who's those were. He didn't lift his head as he usually would've done months ago. He no longer talked back, no longer fought. He was quiet and submissive- the perfect obedient machine. His captor seemed to like that.

"I see you're awake."

His voice was smooth, like a hot knife through butter, with an appealing cadence. He spoke calmly, never hesitating nor stumbling over his words. He spoke with such clarity and confidence that Conan believed the false words he spoke, the seeds of lies he sowed into the dirt and nurtured to grow. He had no other influence other than this man, this android.

His captor's voice sounded exactly like his predecessor model, the RK900, better known as Connor. His captor was the same model, except with a slightly altered serial number. Despite being so similar in appearance, they were both completely different. Connor had grown kinder and more open over the years after the android revolution, slowly growing used and familiar to human traditions and domestic life. He lived with Hank, a high-ranking lieutenant of the Detroit Police Department. They both were quite fond of each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2019 ⏰

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