Make me

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Slight NSFW, nothing too intense though.


"I swear to fucking god, you're literally the most unreliable piece of metal I've ever had to deal with in my entire life!"

"I'm probably the only piece of metal you had to specifically deal with in your entire life, Det-"

Gavin whipped around on his heel, shoving Conan back against the wall. They were in the small passageway from the evidence room to the rest of the precinct after just finishing up an investigation. It hadn't exactly ended well for the two partners: a murderer had been spotted and they needed to arrest him. Said murderer had attacked Gavin and Conan had to decide between helping the detective or chasing after the perp. He had chosen to go after the murderer and had managed to arrest him, but his relationship with Gavin plummeted to the ground harder than a boulder rolling off the side of a sheer cliff and landing below.

Gavin was fine now, however, he was absolutely pissed at the android for not helping him.

"Don't you fucking sass me back. Don't you fucking dare." Gavin spat at the android, his words sharp as he pushed the android up against the smooth surface. He gripped onto the collar of Conan's jacket, glaring up at him. He hated how the android was taller than him. "You're so damn lucky that the android revolution turned out positive for you fuckers or else I would've sold you as a bunch of discarded scrap metal."

"Detective Reed, please calm down. If you continue with this impulsive and unprofessional behavior I will have to file a-"

"Don't you go formal on me!" Gavin practically shouted, socking the android right in the abdomen. Conan hissed, clutching the area and his eyes shutting tightly. Deviants could feel pain, and unfortunately for him at the moment he was a free android that could experience such feeling. "I want to feel like I'm talking to an actual person, but you're making it pretty damn difficult!"

"I apologize for-"

"Shut up!" Conan opened his eyes just in time to see Gavin secure his hands around his throat and squeeze tightly. Though androids didn't need to breathe, the thirium circulation could still be cut off. He thrashed, kicking out his legs in attempt to release himself.

Gavin raised an eyebrow. "You're holding back, tin can. I know you are." A tighter squeeze, Conan's mouth parting open as he tried to pry Gavin's hands off of him. "I know what you're capable of, android. I saw it with my own eyes ten minutes ago when you fucking took down that guy, so you aren't feeling nothing."

Conan gasped. "D-Detective, I didn't want to h-"

"SHUT UP!" Gavin shrieked, his fingernails digging into Conan's synthetic skin. He saw the light glow of the skin around his fingers deactivating, Conan wincing. "You didn't want to do what? Didn't want to hurt me? You already failed that fucking mission, dumbass, and I thought your missions were the most important thing to you!"

Gavin narrowed his eyes, releasing Conan with a scowl. The android slumped against the wall, wincing as he wrapped his hands around his throat in what Gavin thought was a protective way and regained himself. The detective had never seen his partner look so vulnerable and weakened before.

And he savored every moment of it.

"Please, Detective, I don't understand why you're getting so worked up over this. My calculations revealed that you would be fine, so I went after the target." Conan finally replied after a few moments of tense silence, the android gazing up at Gavin coldly with his blue eyes.

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