Dangerous Blue

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hanahaki disease AU


Gavin had noticed something strange about his android.

Actually, come to think of it, there were a lot of strange things about him, but this was different.

Conan, though naturally quiet, barely talked anymore. Normally they'd at least have conversations, usually about cases and exchanging information, but for the past two weeks he probably said at least seven words a day on average to Gavin. He didn't speak to anyone else either, not even Connor who he was usually friendly with. Gavin had tried to ask him about if there was something wrong, but the android simply brushed him off like the question was nothing of the importance.

Gavin had suspected that Conan was sick but androids couldn't get sick, could they? No, that wasn't possible. Unless he got some sort of virus or something, he shouldn't be "sick". Maybe he was just having a mood swing. Sure, that was probably it.

He had just arrived at the station at almost noon, expecting Conan to be sitting at his desk working like the good android he was. He had expected Conan to have been waiting for Gavin's arrival for a while as he usually came to work earlier than most people. He was expecting Conan to scold him for coming to work so late.

Conan was not there.

Gavin frowned, putting his things down onto his desk before scanning the area to see if he could find Conan exiting the break room or maybe off walking around with Connor. The android was nowhere in sight. The only android he saw was Connor, holding a cup of coffee in his hand as he walked up to Lieutenant Hank Anderson and smiled brightly.

"Hey, Connor!" Gavin called out, the android lift in his head and glanced in his direction curiously.

Connor quickly set down the cup and walked over to the detective, looking at him expectantly. "Yes, Detective?" He asked in that always so polite voice that made Gavin want to gouge his eyes out.

"Y'know where Conan is?"

Connor had tensed up, looking to the side as his LED turned yellow. That wasn't a good sign. "No, I didn't see him this morning. He didn't arrive yet."

Gavin furrowed his eyebrows. "He's always so early."

"He's been very quiet and inactive lately. He usually arrives later than usual these days." Connor frowned.

"Any idea why? You two got some android telepathy, can you tell what's wrong with him?"

"I may be able to communicate with him mentally but I can't read his mind to see what's troubling him, Detective."

Gavin rolled his eyes. "Thanks." He muttered before shooing him away, Connor nodding politely before heading back to Hank. The detective slowly sat down at his desk, staring off into space absentmindedly. Where was Conan? Normally he wouldn't care much about the android but he actually felt.. concerned.

He paused before laughing softly to himself, shaking his head. Him, worrying about an android? That was ridiculous. Conan was fine, he always was. He'd seen how the android had handled getting a bullet straight to his heart- or thirium pump, whatever- and how calm he was during. He was probably just.. busy with something.

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