- tale of the wicked -

Começar do início

I was never a skirt kind of girl, I think on the right people they look great, like Lizzie Saltzman for example but me..no, a big no. I look hideous.

"Did you come here to learn stuff about me so you can report back to Dr. Saltzman?"

Hope shifts on my bed and glances at me, a solemn expression on her face. "No, quite the opposite. Dr. Saltzman thinks it will be a good opportunity for you to meet the new werewolf he's planning to recruit. The twins are expected to give him a tour in a couple minutes, you should join them." I scrunch up my nose in disgust at the idea. Did she just ask me to put myself out there and meet someone. Gross that means I have to actually be social.

"Uh, no, I'll pass. Tell Dr. Saltzman I considered it though." I grab my bag and sling it over my shoulder, unfortunately Hope doesn't give up so easily.

Her hand clamps around my wrist in a rather gentle way as she cranes her neck to look up at me with pleading eyes. "Please?" I snatch my hand from her grasp, not liking the contact. "Come on, make a good first impression and that's all I ask."

Rolling my eyes at her pouty frown, I push myself against the door and study her. "Why can't you do it?"

Hope sighs, "Because unlike you, I have a job to do and that's finding out whether said werewolf can stay at this school without being a threat." Ignoring her low blow, I frown at the thought.

"And who are you getting answers from?"

"Landon Kirby." A small smile slowly forms and I scowl at her little crush on the human. The only reason I remember Landon Kirby is having to listen to Hope gush about him serving her milkshakes for a week straight. It was dreadful.

"Fine, I'll do it." She giggles and clasps her hands together. "But, you owe me, Mikaelson." Her smile drops.

"Everyone gets along with everybody here for the most part." Josie states as she and Lizzie guide the new boy around while I unwilling follow them around.

Rafael Waithe, the werewolf with supreme anger issues and a history of violence. Typical for his kind, I didn't expect any less for a newly transitioned wolf. I aquatinted with him on a friendly level and narrowed my questions down to figure out his character but he seemed very closed off, and that I didn't blame. He'a also painfully dry with responses and certainly isn't my type of person, not by a long shot.

But Lizzie on the other hand, she's my person.

We approach a classroom and I finally pay mind to the ongoing conversation to find Josie pointing at Dorian. "That's our librarian, Mr. Williams." More like supernatural identifier but librarian works too. "He's subbing for our chemistry of magic teacher, who accidentally incinerated himself last week in hellfire." I snicker quietly, remembering the exact moment that bastard teacher bursted into flames.

"Burned all the hair off his body, but didn't leave a scar." Lizzie pipes in, brushing against Rafael with a visible grin. It's no secret she has a crush on him, but I just wish that wasn't the case.

"Now, this language has been carefully crafted over centuries. So, you may think you can play fast and loose with the syllables, but you'd be very wrong about that. Because otherwise, a love charm becomes a what?" Dorian scans the class before he nods at a specific brunette. "Penelope, show us." The witch turns in her seat so the students could watch.

UNRAVEL • lizzie saltzmanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora