Part 3

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Time passed quickly, and before I knew it, the day before the midterm exam had come. I sat next to Noah, furiously cramming on the oxidation of secondary alcohols into ketones. Noah, strangely enough, didn't join in, only sitting silently beside me while gripping his sword.

"Are you nervous?" He asked me, staring off into the distance.

"Definitely. I mean, it's forty percent of our grade!"

"Not the test, you psycho! I'm talking about the battle!"

"Oh. That." I sighed. "You'll be fine."

Of course this was also the day of "battle for the fate of the world." Noah and I sat in a carriage, traveling towards the battlefield. The elvish queen, L'Thienne, and the wizard Darius traveled with us, the queen glancing at me nervously, and the wizard looking to the hero he raised.

"I don't understand." The queen finally spoke up, seemingly unable to hold back. "Why is the Dark Lord attacking now?"

The wizard laughed. "He is the Dark Lord, does he need a reason?"

"He's king of the Dark elves!" L'Thienne responded angrily. "He may hate this world, and everything in it... well, almost everything, but for him to attack with all his forces..."

"He's evil. Evil always want to destroy what's good."

I smiled at L'Thienne, as she seemed discontented at the wizard's reasoning. "Don't worry, it will work out in the end."

She visibly relaxed. "Well, if YOU say so."

The wizard seemed discontented at her reaction, and turned to Noah instead. "Are you ready to fight the Dark Lord?"

Noah gripped his sword tightly. "Yes."

"Good. Don't listen to whatever lies he speaks. He will try to weaken you with his words. Just ignore him, and fight for the fate of the world."

L'Thienne and I rolled our eyes, but Noah responded diligently with a nod.

We arrived to the battlefield. As far as the eye could see, creatures of the dark lined up, brandishing weapons, bloodthirsty grins on their faces. Next to their might, even with the combined forces of the army of light seemed small by comparison. A tall, angry figure stepped forward from the front line, his face twisted with rage.

"LET THIS SO CALLED HERO COME FORTH AND FACE ME!" His voice was filled with grief and loss. At the sight of him, a slight pain filled my chest.

Noah stepped forward, his armor reflecting the sunlight, looking like a hero of legend. "You have threatened this world, and so you must pay."

I nodded my head at the epic comeback, but the Dark Lord simply laughed, a hopeless sound.

"You murderer! You dare kill my loved one and then talk as if you are the one being attacked?!"

Noah stepped back, confused. "What do you mean by 'murderer'?"

"IGNORE HIM!" The wizard called out. "HE LIES TO GAIN YOUR SYMPATHY!"

Noah's face hardened. "I will protect the world."

The Dark Lord laughed again, but it sounded like tears. "I will have revenge for her death!"

They both moved forward, ready to fight, but I had had enough.

"All right, everyone, stop this nonsense." I didn't speak loudly, but the entire battlefield froze as I let my magic settled down on the armies around me. Stepping into the air, I used my magic to fly over, landing in between the hero and the Dark Lord, and sat on a dark twisted tree trunk that grew out of the ground to accommodate me.

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