Part 1

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A wizard appeared in the middle of science class.

This was not normal.

We were in the midst of a review session, as Ms. Grentson went over all the material that would be on the midterm exam. I was taking careful notes. This test was worth 40 percent of the total grade, and was notoriously difficult to pass. It had been nicknamed by the students above us "The GPA killer". No one had ever gotten higher than a B before in Ms. Grentson's class, but I was determined.

I was going to be the first person ever to get an A.

And no sudden appearance of wizards predicting the end of the world was going to prevent that.

Ms. Grentson was in the midst of discussing hydroxylation of amides, when the room was filled with purple smoke.

"Cough- cough, WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!" The teacher spat out the angry question in between coughing induced by the smoke. The previously glassy eyed students leaned forward, staring in interest. This included my best friend Noah, who had been startled awake by the commotion.

"What's going on?"

"Is this a senior prank?"

"Can we get back to the review?" I sighed as my complaint was lost amidst the other loud chatter of the classroom.

An old man with long white hair and a long white beard stepped out of the smoke.

"Greetings, I am the great wizard Darius. I have traveled to this place to tell you that the world is in great danger."

"H-How dare you interrupt my class with this nonsense! Do you really expect us to believe this?!" Ms. Grentson sputtered with rage, obviously not used to losing control of her classroom.

The wizard smiled. "Obviously I know that most are unaware of the magical side to this world, even I wouldn't reveal this if the Prophesied One hadn't appeared here. But to make it easier to believe..." He snapped his fingers and a flash of light appeared around the teacher, and in her place was an ostrich wearing her clothes. It looked around the classroom, distressed, and with a dry chuckle the wizard snapped his fingers again, changing it back into Ms. Grentson. Pale with shock, she sat down at her desk without another word.

I , who had been silently cheering for Ms. Grentson to kick the intruder out of the classroom, groaned with disappointment, but the rest of the class seemed even more excited in the face of this proof of the wizard's magical powers. One girl raised her hand, her face expectant.

"Um... Mr. Wizard? Who is the 'Prophesied One' you're talking about?"

He smiled in response. "That is the one who will save us from the Dark Lord, who is rising again. The one who will defeat the evil, and save the world. Many prophesies have spoken of this hero, and they all point to someone sitting in this classroom."

He looked around the room with a serious face. The classroom was silent, tense as every student there seemed to be wishing desperately to be the one the wizard was looking for. All hoping to be named the hero that would save the world, to go on an adventure, to learn magic.

There were exceptions, of course.

I raised my hand. "Can you pick them out now, so we can get back to our review?" There were only fifteen minutes left in the class! This was my only chance to hear about the material that would be on the test. 40% of my grade!!! How was I supposed to face the "GPA Killer" without it? I wanted to cry about the lost time, but I knew that Ms. Grentson wouldn't resume class until the wizard was gone.

The great wizard Darius gave me a strange look, but after a short pause, continued. "The Prophesied one is the young man sitting beside you." He pointed his finger to the desk to my right, where Noah sat. There was a collective groan of disappointment from the surrounding students.

WOO! I'm not the Prophesied One! Dancing with joy on the inside, I smiled brightly and gave Noah a thumbs up.

"Have fun, buddy!"

Thank goodness, now we can get back to class...

"Oh course, you need to pick someone who can travel by your side." The wizard's voice broke me from my happy musings. "A side-kick, if you will."


I glared at my best friend, who grinned back at me. We had known each other since we were toddlers, able to hold a full conversation without talking, just with a look.

Don't you dare! I told him with my eyes.

We're definitely doing this together. He responded.

I will kill you.

No you won't

No I won't... damnit!

I sighed with defeat as he pointed at me with a grin. "I choose her."

Son of a bitch!

The wizard again looked confused. "You know you're going into battle, right? Don't you want to pick someone..." he seemed to struggle to find a polite word. "More suitable?"

"Nope! I want her." Noah shrugged, saying the words with a finality which discouraged argument.

"Okay then, let's go!" The wizard waved his arm, and we were both surrounded with a thick purple smoke.

NO! MY GPA!!!! I clutched my science book to my chest as we were teleported, feeling disgruntled.

I guess it was time to save the world.

Saving the World Before MidtermsWhere stories live. Discover now