Chapter 8 || An Unexpected Date

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Your POV

Wow, Shinomiya either just asked me out, or he means a friendly date. You thought to yourself, straight-faced. Then it hits you.

OH MY GOD. Shinomiya just asked me out. Holy hecking heck. Oh my god, oh my god. Uh- SAY SOMETHING! 

"Sure I'd love to! But I look kinda stupid, and I don't really have makeup on.." You say, scratching your head. "No! You look really.. nice." Hayato flustered, looking at his shoes. "Oh Hayato, you're so nice! Complimenting me when I look like a mess! Let me fix myself up, and then we can go to the park!" You enthused, grabbing his hands. Shinomiya didn't hesitate, since he knew he wouldn't win the argument.

After a few minutes, you and Shinomiya got to your house. "My dad should be at work, but stay out here just in case!" You insisted. "I'll bring you an apple." Shinomiya was about to assure you that it was fine but you were already inside.

You had a little trouble finding a nice outfit and good makeup to go with it, but eventually, you decided a white sundress, a bit of blush, and a swipe of peach lip-gloss would do just fine. You pulled your hair into a ponytail, grabbed your bag and headed out the door. Shinomiya fiddled with the end of his shirt, he had been waiting for around 10 minutes, but girls need time. When he looked up, he saw one of the most beautiful things (to him). Y/N in a sundress. Shinomiya was so close to fainting, from the everlasting beauty that was you. 

"Y/N, y-you look b-beautiful!" Shinomiya ensured, blushing. "Aw thanks Hayato, we should go before my sister or brother sees us." You said, grabbing his hand and heading to the nearby park.

Shinomiya looked at your hand, fingers interlocked with his. He was very nervous that his hand would sweat while holding yours, due to the pressure of holding hands with his crush. So to distract himself, he began to analyze your hand. It was soft, and it held his own hand gently but firmly, as if he would slip away from you at any moment. Shinomiya firmed his grasp as well, to assure you that he was there, and wasn't leaving. This wordless notion made you fill with butterflies, you blushed and smiled, looking back at him for a split second, before whipping your head back forward.

Finally, you were at the park, after a 4 minute walk. You viewed over the play set. It was a fairly old park, so not many kids were there. Dandelions and sunflowers littered the field behind the park, although the fence to keep people out of it was broken. You walked up to a little worn down bench, as a bit of nostalgia hit you, remembering your brother and you sitting on this once nice bench. "Ah the memories." You sighed, tracing you fingers across the bench. "You've been here before?" Shinomiya asked, taking a set on the bench. "Many times as a kid. I missed this place." You smiled, watching the few children play.

"Well why'd you stop coming?" Shinomiya meant this as a joke, but it went farther then that for you. You looked at him smiling, but sadness filled your eyes. "My parents divorced, so everyone was too depressed to go out, and I was to young to go by myself. Even if I had managed to get here, it wouldn't have been the same without my mom." You sighed again, wiping a singular tear that came to your soft eyes. "Oh, I-I'm sorry for asking." Shinomiya said awkwardly, afraid he made things weird. "It's okay, I quite like talking about my mom. Even if it makes me cry. Enough about me, tell me some things about yourself!" You asked, sitting down. You already knew most things about Shinomiya, but hey, you could learn some more. 

"Well, I'm a member of the nursing committee and the student council." Shinomiya started, although you already knew this. "I'm in class 1-A, my birthday is February 22nd, so I'm a pisces." He continued. You didn't know his sign, interesting. "Uh, I wouldn't normally tell people this, but I trust you." He looked at you, his eyes trusting. "Sure, you can trust me.." You assured him, looking at him. 

"I never really had friends when I was younger. They all made fun of me for looking like a girl, and I had a weak immune system, so I wasn't able to play like them.." He admitted, looking down. You gave a sad sigh, and lifted his head up. "I'm sorry, it's a terrible feeling when you're lonely. But hey, you have the others and me now!" You assured him. "Yeah, you're right." He smiled. 


i'm fucking sorry.

no seriously I am.

i legit didn't mean to take this long to update.

i'm loosing so many readers.

thank you for the ones that stay.

love y'all more then you can imagine <3


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2019 ⏰

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