Pen and Ink

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Lady Maddison woke up to an empty bed. She panicked at where Lord Jason had gone but found a letter lying on the pillow. She picked it up inquisitively and began to read.

My dearest sister,
I'm so incredibly sorry to have gotten your hopes up. You were right, all of you were right. It was a miracle of the gods of which came as a price. I have been brought back with a job to do. I now bare the burden of Golmatoth's spirit, a spirit so evil I would be corrupted in a matter of days. The Light advised me to go into an exile of sorts. You will probably never see me again, and I want you to know I would have loved to stay longer but the voices. They have already begun,whispering their corruption to my mind. I am running out of time, I hear you stirring behind me. Advise the council that you now have a place amongst their table. And below this letter you will find a declaration that the child of yours shall be in the lineage for Supreme Lord. I place you as standing Lady I've the kingdom. And I want you to remember me as I will you.
With love always,

At the last words Lady Maddison began to cry. She held the declaration in the other hand. With great sorrow she walked down the stairs to gather the council and tell them the news.


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