A shore to reach

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"My lord," Lord Jason said astonished, "could they make it through that?"

"Hard to tell my lord," Captain Perlamo responded, "We've had no conflict with the elemental magicians. But it is probable some ships may be caught in the crossfire."

"I just hope they are safe. Anyway how far are we from Lewisia?"

"Not that far my lord by sunrise we should be there. I would advice you to get some more sleep, I'll wake you if anything else happens." Captain Perlamo said with a glint of a smile as his mood improved slightly.

Getting up after some rest, Lord Jason stepped out and watched the sunrise. The sun raised over the horizon and the sky turned from its pink hues and faded into light blue with fluffy clouds of perfect white crowning the glory of the sun. Taking a glance onto the fight last night. The magicians had dispersed but the aftermath could be seen. A few ships were trapped in sheets of thick ice. Bodies floated in the water amongst the surface flames fuelling black smoke into the sky corrupting the blue. Icicles pierced out of the water beginning to melt in the kind summer sun.

Captain Perlamo emerged from the lower decks, "Ah there you are. Part of me had wondered where you'd got to," he chuckled as he looked onward. The walls of Lewisia could be clearly seen as could the castle of the Lady Lewis. They made for the harbour and leaving the ship to some sailors Lord Jason and the Captain headed through the bustling streets to the castle.

"Get your meat. Fresh meat."

"Sweet veg, lovely groceries."

"Finest tools metal can make, get 'em cheap."

Stall owners called out their goods as they passed. It was surprising how quickly the sound ended as they left the marketplace. Quickly the road narrowed and large trees and bushes with bright flowers sitting amongst the neatly trimmed grass. "Where are we?" Asked Captain Perlamo gazing around.

"Don't worry. We're in the Grand Park. It's a walled off segment of the old forest in front of the castle." Lord Jason replied calmly.

"You seem to know a lot about Lewisia for a Lord of Andrilison," the Captain amusedly said.

"Well I grew up here. My father thought it would be safer here than in Andrilison. Which it was, while I was here there were the two uprisings."

"I remember that I saw the fighting from my dad's fishing ship." The Captain reminisced.

They emerged from the treeline onto the castle steps. "Told you we would make it," Lord Jason smirked as together they made there way up to the castle.

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