Close the gates

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Gen was determined to fulfil his God-given destiny. His army was packed into a fleet and they set out for Andrilison hoping to cut off Golmatoth's naval force. Whilst they sailed Gen was being taught the magic arts of conjuring.

. . .

Lord Jason was sitting at the council back in Andrilison.

"We need to gather the defences now." Lord Jason stated, "Our navy is destroyed, we have a thinned group from our half-legion stranded in Lewisia. We need to get a standing army to the capital."

"Yes but what about the other cities, do you not care about them?" asked Lord Shora. Lord Night agreed.

"Yes, I do care but the first place Golmatoth will attack will be us."

"What makes you so sure."

"We are the capital of one of the strongest Kingdoms in Mortalia. We are the crowning jewel for the Light. I am telling you now he will be heading straight for us as we speak."

A guard knocked on the door then opened revealing a messenger. They came over to Lord Night and whispered in his ear before leaving.

"I've just been informed that my rangers failed to acquire the artefact." Lord Night said solemnly. "Unfortunately I cannot send aid either. Two of my rangers are confirmed dead and the others haven't been seen since they entered the forest."

"Can you not send some of your garrison to our help?" Lord Jason pleaded.

"Unfortunately my lord I cannot, creatures have been spotted around the walls and some of my villagers have been taken last night." He stood and bowed. "I must bid you all farewell for I must go an protect my assets."

The other council members nodded and bid him to stay safe. Then he was gone.

. . .

"Ships North West bearing! Flying Vitrea!" called a spotter. Others quickly confirmed. Gen was standing by the mast watching the ships carefully. The fleet altered course and sail to a ramming course.

"Prepare for battle!" Gen bellowed. He put on his white armour. It shone in the daylight. He conjured a spear of light and raised it to the sky.

A sudden wind blasted the ships faster. Gen's fleet was closing the distance fast. The monks appeared armed and ready. They'd trained for years for this moment.

Gen took a deep breath and relaxed his tense body.

"Men of the light!" he called, "Today we shall do battle with pure evil. They shall stop at nothing to destroy us. We shan't either. Keep the banner held high and we shall be victorious. We are with the Light and with it we shall behead Golmatoth and rid teh world of evil forever. Stand strong, fight stronger and believe strongest."

The soldiers roared there nerves away, uplifted in moralle. They raised their weapons as the ships clattered into Golmatoth's fleet.

"Board!" Gen yelled leaping off of the ship with spear held ready.

. . .

The sky over City Andrilison went black. Ash clouds covered the sky and the sun went black. Lord Jason was sitting at the council when it happened. All of the lord's stood up and looked to the window.

"What in the name of the Light is happening." Asked Lord Shora.

"I don't know," stated Lord Jason in shock. He looked to the servants in the room, "Somebody get me a priest of the Light."

The priest came into the room as they all looked out of the window. Lord Shora turned around, "Give us an explanation for this."

"I can only give one explanation my lords and I believe you have already come to that conclusion."

"Lord of Eternal Night." Lord Jason whispered.

"Indeed, the prophecies coming to pass. 'Light extinguished and the grass black with ash.'"

"Close the gates. Prepare for battle." Lord Jason ordered.

The alarm bells rung out over the city. Guards and soldiers marched through the city streets. All townsfolk were under house arrest and no trade was allowed in or out. The Epilogue War had truly begun.

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