The Battle of the Marketplace

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Under the pale, blotted out light of the sun the soldiers of Andrilison stood. In a circle, back to back. The children stepped down from their chariots and Golmatoth emerged holding Sunfire in one hand.

"A duel," he declared loudly, "we need not settle this with a mass loss of life when only one is needed."

The soldiers stared around confusedly wondering what this was about. Lord Jason stepped up.

"Then you promise to spare the lives of my men." He said.

"That depends if you win." He retorted filled with malice.

"Then I take your challenge."

Golmatoth dropped Sunfire to the ground and the lord picked it up. They locked eyes for a second. Lord Jason took the sword in one hand and stepped back feeling its weight preparing himself, many live rested on his shoulders.

His chainmail gauntlet was cold on his sweaty palms. It gripped the leather handle tightly and extended out the golden blade to his opponent. He'd received a buckler and a helmet from Lord Shora.

"Let's keep this chivalrous to the best of our abilities." He pulled his own sword and balanced himself.

Keeping their eyes firmly locked they slowly began to circle eachother, eyeing their opponent and looking for an opening. Golmatoth lunged forward at an opening. Lord Jason stepped to the side and slid his sword up Golmatoth's clattering it off of the guard. The demon recoiled and Lord Jason took the chance and slashed the stomach. The sword landed a hit and gashed open a wound. Black blood trickled out and landed on the ground. Golmatoth leapt back pressing a hand to the wound and snarled. Lord Jason adjusted his helmet and remade guard. He lunged in and the demon parried. Golmatoth flung the sword with all his might back at the lord. Lord Jason quickly tried to deflect it with his buckler. The sword cut a chunk out of the shield and embedded itself into his left arm. 'Gah' he wheezed in shock pulling his arm from the blade and throwing the buckler aside just in time to block an overhead swing. Blood trickled along the plate armour as Lord Jason ducked to the side and breathed quickly. Running at inhuman speeds Golmatoth was upon him his blade a flash. Before, the lord had any time to react the blade collided with his chest cutting a deep chunk out of it. He was flung a few feet in the air and landed with a thunk against the ground. Blood soaked against the back of his mouth, filling him with its taste. His muscles spasmed, contorting into a seizure. He turned over and tried to get back up, coughing up blood all the way. Reaching out for his sword he lost balance and tipped back into his front into a pool of his blood.

"How the mighty have fallen." Golmatoth raised his sword and slammed it into the Lord's back.

The red haze subsided and the corpse lay still twitching as the brain acted on the remaining impulses. Then it stilled. He stilled and a final breath sighed out.

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