Chapter 17

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Hoseok POV

Crawling back into bed with Taehyung, I glance over at Jimin who gives me a small encouraging smile. Returning to the same position I'd been in with him before the kiss, he does the same thing he'd done before as he rolls over in my arms. I just look down at him with a tiny smile, still a little nervous and worried for him. Though, I'm completely surprised when he leans up just a tad, brushing his lips against mine for a hot second before pulling away and curling into me, nuzzling his head into my chest gently.

It confuses the hell out of me, his actions. First I'd gone to kiss him and he freaked the hell out, yet now he's brushing his lips against mine before falling asleep. I'm not entirely sure what all of this about, but I think I'm glad he did that.

"What was that for, baby?" I whisper softly, not wanting to keep him up if he's just seconds from sleep, but also trying to keep Jimin from hearing if possible. He hums softly in response, shaking his head ever so lightly against my chest.

"Still like you. Sorry for earlier." Tae mumbles into my chest, muffling his words a bit. I can't help but grin though, now over the moon with excitement and happiness. I feel much more relieved by his little half sentences, feeling a bit better with what had happened earlier. I'm definitely still worried about the fact that he freaked out with the kiss, but I feel better knowing he does actually feel the same and that he's not mad at me about the kiss.

Glancing past Tae, I watch Jimin come over and sit down on the floor next to Tae's bed. He gives me another smile, staying silent though so that Tae can fully fall asleep before conversing with me. We don't wait long though, Taehyung falling fast asleep just a couple minutes after he'd answered my question. Though, we wait an extra ten minutes just to ensure that he's contently asleep and isn't going to wake up soon.

"So, what the hell happened? Why'd he freak out like that?" Jimin asks quietly, looking up at me as he turns his body to completely face the two of us.

"Honestly, I'm not entirely sure. I... I think I caused it again though..." I respond honestly, feeling bad as I look down at the beautiful sleeping boy in my arms.

"Why do you think you caused it now?" Jimin questions softly, not seeming to believe me once again that it's my fault.

"I kissed him. I-He was laid like this with me just turned around, kinda like we were when I initially climbed into the bed. I was holding him and was pressing the occasional kiss to the corner of his neck as I was talking to him. He rolled over and I... I don't know what I was thinking, but I kissed him. He seemed okay with it at first, pressing his lips back against mine, but I don't know what happened." I explain quietly, glancing down at Tae.

"Well considering he was just brushing his lips up against yours a few minutes ago, I don't think it's your fault or that he's mad at you." Jimin responds in a gentle tone, giving me a small smile. I just sigh, shaking my head.

"I know. He mumbled a quiet apology before falling asleep. I just feel bad. First yesterday I caused him to breakdown and cry, and now today with this. And he's so exhausted, Jiminie. He's so exhausted. It breaks my heart just how much he doesn't want to eat or speak or anything. It worries the hell out of me. He's just so not himself and it worries me." I murmur softly, brushing my fingers through Tae's hair gently. He mumbles incoherently, nuzzling himself into me a bit more. It brings a small smile to my lips at the sight, continuing to run my fingers through his hair.

"Hobi, he's not gonna end up like your mother. I know it's hard, but he's stronger than all of this. He's gonna be okay and make it through this, he may just need some support from you, maybe us. Okay? You've got him, you've got us, and it's the same for him. I know you're still struggling, Hobi. And I know you're still trying to figure out how to grieve with everything. You've been really strong though, through all of this. And I'm still proud of you. You've just gotta remember that he's not gonna break like she did. We're all here for him and he's got a great support system right now with us and his parents. And the same is gonna go for you, Hobi. You've got us." Jimin says softly. I just give him a small smile before looking back down to the sleeping boy.

"Thank you, Jiminie."

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