Chapter 8

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Taehyung POV

Walking into the school building the next day, I bite my lip and try to remember which ways I'm supposed to go as I look around the halls. Taking a quiet deep breath, I nervously begin to make my way down the hall, hoping I'm going the right way. Feeling extremely unsure of myself, I try to turn where I think I'm supposed to.

Not feeling an ounce of reassurance as I wander nearly aimlessly, I soon feel relief when I finally spot Hoseok's bright red hair and Jimin's light pink. With a tiny smile on my face at the fact that, if I've not been going around correctly, I'll now have the two people who I know that will be willing to help me. However, I freeze in my tracks with wide eyes as Hoseok starts yelling.

"Damn it, Jimin! You don't fucking get it! It's not that goddamn simple!" Hoseok explodes before storming off. My lips fall slack in surprise at his outburst, watching with mild fear as the red head storms off in the opposite direction of me. I just stand there, watching as Jimin runs a hand through his hair before ruffling it, looking around him with a small frown. Though, it turns into a tiny smile when his eyes land on me. Ducking his head, he stuffs his hands into his pockets and makes his way through the crowd, soon reaching where I currently am stood.

"Hey, Tae. Sorry, Hobi and I didn't really think about the fact that you wouldn't know your way around here yet. Need help finding your locker?" Jimin greets softly with a small smile as he looks up at me. I just glance between him and where Hoseok ran off around a corner at the end of the hall.

"What happened to Hoseok? Why's he so mad?" I ask softly, disliking the fact that Jimin avoided that completely. Jimin sighs, a small frown reappearing.

"He's going through a hard time at home right now, Tae. That's his type of thing to tell you though. I don't want to be the one talking about his personal life and shit when that's his place. I don't gossip like that." Jimin answers quietly, running a hand through his hair.

"So, it doesn't have anything to do with you though? He was yelling at you..." I question, trying to figure out what exactly happened. Jimin nods though, confirming that it has nothing to do with him.

"I just happen to be the one he tells everything to. He got frustrated with me trying to comfort him, and so he kinda exploded. Hobi's really in a bit of a rough situation at home right now." Jimin explains in a gentle tone, now glancing back at where the taller male had been.

"Do you know where he ran off to, by chance?" I ask, looking back over to Jimin. He gives me a tiny smile in return.

"You know, you shouldn't be skipping classes on your second day here, Mr. Kim." Jimin teases lightly. I chuckle at his antics, rolling my eyes.

"Yes, well it's also a bad habit to form of seeing a friend in need and not going to at least try to help them, Mr. Park." I respond. He rolls his eyes this time, reaching up and ruffling my hair.

"Whatever, Tae. Hoseok most likely went up to the roof. He goes up there when he wants to be alone and needs to cool off. I'd be careful, and if he doesn't want to talk or is a little rude, it's not your fault. He's just struggling to cope right now." Jimin informs me softly. I nod, looking back over to the end of the hallway.

"Umm... Would you mind taking me there? I still don't really know my way around here." I mumble shyly, looking down to my feet. He chuckles lightly, nodding his head.

"You're gonna be the reason I start getting into trouble, aren't you? Come on, I'll take you there and I'll even wait at the bottom of the stairs in case Hoseok doesn't come back down with you." Jimin offers kindly. I give him a small smile.

"Thank you." I tell him softly. He just nods, taking my hand in his and beginning to lead me down the hallway.

I bite my lip lightly, nervously following Jimin through the hall. I keep my gaze down towards the ground, once again not wanting to see all of the eyes that I know are on me from the fact that I'm hanging around Jimin again. I can only hope that it'll go okay with Hoseok up on the rooftop, not exactly knowing what's wrong and if I'll be able to make anything better for him.

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