"Down the Hell-hole I go!"

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The leaves crunched underneath my old boots as I trek my daily shortcut to Henry Grace high school. I let out a sigh, "it's almost over, just another year and a half. All this will be over, and worth it." I thought to my self.




I keep repeating is over and over, and yes I do this every morning. It's my only motivation to walk into a hell-hole voluntarily.

I walk past three or four houses I recognize. My ever so dear classmates live here (please note my extremely rude sarcasm). I don't hate my classmates but I don't adore them. They are just people to me, people I will deal with for a while and then, Poof, they're out if my life. Forever.

I know I sound cynical but being stuck with complete and utter morons for part of you life isn't particularly enjoyable. Ironically I'm not smart either, but I do have a brain in my head. Sadly, today I will alos have the liberty of seeing them all today! Oh the joys of copied homework, lecturing teachers, and paper planes.

 Reaching the school, I peek around. "Im either late, or early. And I cant figure out which one it is....:. Well we'll see and soon as I enter my biology class. I plug in my head phones and blast Come with me now by the KONGOS. As I start humming I burst through the door, twenty three pairs of eyes on me. Oh. So im late. The teacher peered at me and pointed to by ears indicating to remove my headphones. I yank them out by the wire and take a seat. As everyone returns back to their conversations and forget about me again, I sit quietly and slyly plug my ears with the headphones again. 

 ~After school~

  I jogged over to the library, hoping no one has occupied my spot. There sat a boy twiddeling his thumbs as he stared blankly at the wall. "Oh, great. Should I tell him to move, or walk past?". I didnt realize I was just standing above him with a dumbfounded expression until he caught my attention again. "Uh, hello? Yes....How can I help you?" He asked confidetly yet sweetly. I could tell he's irritated and tried to act sweet and happy. One thing I know for sure is that he's a bad actor. "Yes, um...That, right there, Is my spot. Like, you know, a quiet place away. It took me two weeks to find the perfect spot, and that good sir is what your sitting on."  I stared to point all around him sassily.  My words wrestled out of my mouth and I didnt check myself, but I surly may have recked myself. " Pardon?" He questioned rudely. I opened my mouth to answer but then realized I wanted to be out of it. Im not going to get myself into anything to catch attention to me. I turned away and walked away slowly, I quickly paced the hall, right by the library and sped down to the courtyard and sat on the bench. I layed down, moving my feet to the beat.

   I closed my eyes and smiled. Soon feeling someones presence over me I opened one eye to see the boy from the library looking down on me.

"Are you a hobo?" My eyes shot open and I furowed by eyebrows together, "Im not a hobo! What do you want?" I got up awkwardly.

"I just wanted to appoligize, I know thats your spot, you always sit there. Its just I thought maybe I could talk to you if I sat there." He rubbed the back of his neck and looked up at me with his head down low. I stood there looking at him with my mouth half open, "Me?". He pointed at me, "You.".

'Well thats new'

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