I reached the top of the steps and was kind of surprised to see Chloe eating a cookie in my kitchen. Her eyes went a little wide once she saw us before she smiled wide. She tried to cover her mouth a little as she laughed and approached me. "Sorry" She giggled out as she hugged me "You had snacks and Sean said it was okay". I laughed out as I hugged her back "You're fine girly, what the hell is going on in here?" I chuckled as I looked around. Nate was sipping a root beer on the couch, Dani was singing along to the music, and of course Sean and Felix were wrestling around my living room and bumping into furniture. Mark chuckled lowly "This place is a circus" He spoke into my ear. I smiled at him as I walked forward "Welcome to the freak show handsome" I winked at him as I walked across the wooden floor and into my living room. Once Dani caught sight of me she smiled wide "Y/N, you're here!" She yelled out happily before making her way across the room. I opened my arms as she neared me and pulled me into a hug. "You brought all these crazy people here?" I chuckled out as I hugged her. She pulled out of the hug and nodded "of course I did" She laughed as she looked around. My chair pushed into my leg as Sean and Felix fell onto it. Felix had Sean in a head lock as Sean slammed him against the couch. "Hey! You two better not break shit in here!" I yelled out as I moved towards them. I reached down and grabbed Sean's earlobe tightly. I pulled on it and he immediately let go of Felix. Once he did I reached down and grabbed Felix's earlobe. Felix let go of Sean and I pulled them both up. "OW! OW! OW!" They both yelled out in unison. I moved into them "You two stop acting like kids and sit the hell down" I ordered them before letting them go. Once I did Sean rubbed his ear and pouted. "Alright MOM" Felix groaned out as they both walked to the couch. As they plopped down I looked over at Nate. He looked up at me and slightly tipped his soda towards me "How do you do?" He jokingly asked me. I chuckled as I curtseyed "I could be doing better my fine man" I replied to him.

"Mark you came!" Dani yelled out excitedly. "Well since you two are here, EVERYONE TO THE COUCH" Dani yelled out as she walked up to Mark. She grabbed his hand and pulled him along with her. I plopped down onto the couch next to Nate. He smiled and lightly poked my arm as I did. Chloe ran over to the couch and hopped down next to Felix. "Come on big fella, take a seat" Dani groaned out as she pushed Mark down next to me. Once he had fell onto the couch she took a large breath and smiled wide. "Well all of my good friends. It's been a while since we hung out like kids together. For some it's normal and others it's new" She gestured to Mark, Nate, and Chloe as she said that. "But I want us all to be buddies. So let's have an old fashion game night bitches!" She yelled out happily. I smiled wide as I looked at her "Oh shit, here we go" I lowly chuckled. "Ooh what game is it tonight?" Chloe asked out skeptically. "Truth....or.....Truth" She plopped down next to Chloe. "Truth or Truth?" Nate chuckled out. Sean laughed "Yeah, this game is more deadly than Truth or Dare with these assholes. One person asks a question and everyone has to answer it honestly" He explained a little. "Everyone must answer every question and you cannot lie!" Felix added in. I nodded in agreement with them. Dani clapped loudly "Alrighty then, let's play" She glanced around the room deviously "I'll start. What is the perfect personality that would attract you?" She asked out. She looked to her left at Chloe and waited for her answer.

"Well I like a cool person. someone who is calm and funny and sweet. Someone that I can just chill with and watch movies with during down time" She kept glancing at Nate as she spoke. I cannot lie, they're really cute together. Once Chloe was done talking she looked at Felix. Felix just stared over at Dani. "Well I like a crazy person" He laughed a little " Someone who is outgoing, funny, bold, independent, and crazy about me" He raised his eyebrow at Dani. She just winked at him and nodded. Although they've been a thing for a while now those two were still crazy about each other and it was so cute. Felix looked over and tapped Sean's arm for him to answer. Sean was looking down at his phone not paying the least of attention. "Oh sorry, was doing business" He chuckled out. "Business? Right now?" I questioned him "We're in the middle of a game. come on hand it over" I held my hand out. He looked at me with wide eyes and parted his lips. I guess he was about to protest but he decided not to because he just sighed and stood up. He walked over to me and handed me his phone. "Thank you" I politely thanked him as I slid it into my pocket. He just nodded to me before sitting down. "Wellll, My perfect personality" He started off loudly " I like someone who is funny and sweet. A take charge kind of person who is a boss. Someone who is sweet but a hidden freak too" As he spoke he clearly looked at me. I could feel myself look down and chuckle as he did. He was doing that on purpose. Once he was finished he looked at Nate "What about you?" He calmly asked. I looked over at Nate and I could see Mark looking down at me. I tried to avoid his gaze but I couldn't help but glance up at him. He had a small smirk on his face as he looked at me. I just quickly looked away as a smile set onto my face. "Well My perfect personality in someone is a boss girl. I like someone who knows they're the shit. Who knows what they are capable of and loves hard" He spoke out while looking down at his drink. Nate was a cutie and it was clear who's personality matched that. He looked up at Mark "How about you dude?" He asked Mark, shifting the attention from off of him. Mark just took a nervous breath "This is so strange" He lowly spoke out.

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