The dates.

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Two POV's ahead!

Nick's POV 

Do I  wear a nice shirt or do I go casual? I mean I know this is a 'date' but what the hell does one wear? I tossed up between a clean black t-shirt with jeans and a light blue button up and dressy pants. I decided on the button up, Cara seems to be really serious about these dates so I'll take it seriously too. 

I already know how I feel about Cara and I appreciate her taking my feelings into consideration but I cannot stop all the different thoughts popping up in my head when I picture the three of us... together... alone.

I shake the inappropriate thoughts away as John stands in the doorway of my room, arms crossed and bearing an all-knowing smirk. 

"Keep those thoughts to yourself Nicholas." He says lowly, a smile forming, "She's here by the way." He winks and walks away. 

I nod a take a deep breath, after all this, this is it. She's ours and we're her's, in every sense of the word not just some label we decided on a few weeks ago. 

I walk out head down, some-what nervously fixing my non-existent cuff links. As I reach John my head pulls up, the sight i'm met with has me breathless. Well and truly done for. 

There she stands, My Cara in an off the-shoulder, silk, showy black dress. From the delicate way her feet are cased in strappy heels, The way the dress clung to her curves like a second skin and the way her face gleamed and appreciation watching me watching her. 

The bulge in my pants standing prominent and proud, I don't even care. 

"You look good Nick." She breathes, eyeing my attire with a heated look in her eyes.

I display the same and step towards her, taking her hand and making her spin for me. Both John and I groan concurrently, her blush painting her cheeks. 

"Don't have too much fun without me. I'll see you later beautiful." John says faux grumpy whilst stepping forward and planting a kiss to Cara's cheek. 

She nods and falls back, eyes back on me. I eye her once more before ushering her out the door. I know how importantly all this is but lets be honest, all I wanna do is throw her over my shoulder and take her back inside. I know I'm not the only one.

We get in her car, I drive and we make our way to a quiet little restaurant that I never actually knew existed here. The car ride was tense, not a bad tense but there was a real sexual tension filling the space that was getting heavier by the minute. 

We had just been seated up the back, in a darker corner of the restaurant when it started, we hadn't spoken a word yet but her flirtatious looks and touching was enough for me to know what she was thinking. It was innocent at first but I soon found myself with my hands trailing up her dress and her hands moving south at a rapid pace. 

"We have to talk before I go to far.." She whispers, brushing the stray hair away from her face. God she is so beautiful. 

"Right.. yes okay." I say adjusting myself, trying to cool down. Our food had arrived and she lightly picked at hers before clasping her hands together and facing me. 

"Nick... I'm really sorry about how I made you feel. Like really sorry, that was never my intention. You mean just as much to me as your brother. I..." She trails off, fiddling with her fingers. Before she regains her confidence I shake my head  and cut in. 

"I love you Cara. I know it's fast and crazy and all that but I do." I release the breath I was holding and watch her reaction. Her face split into a massive child-like smile and she leaned over the table, planting her lips on mine. 

"I love you too Nick." She whispered against my lips. 

We smile and enjoy the rest of our food, stealing glances and constantly reiterating the 'I love yous'.


John's POV

I didnt bother debating what to wear tonight, I knew I wouldn't be wearing it for long anyway.

Cara had come back from her date with Nick, both beaming. I was truly happy that it went well, not that I had any doubts but I know Nick had his reservations.

I was waiting for Nick and Cara to finish up there little smooch fest. I could see it heating up so I decided to step in and pick Cara up and carry her out the house. 

"Won't be long Nick." I grunt over my shoulder, he mumbles something in reply, Cara giggling like a little girl, her hair flying everywhere.  

I place her down right by the car door and open the door for her. She slides in, still giggling as I shut the door. A small smile graces my face as I make my way round the car. 

I'd decided that this wouldn't be dragged out longer than it needed to be. Don't get me wrong I think its great to share your feelings and all that but I know how I feel and Nick and I need her like now. 

She glances over to me, eyes trailing my body. I decided we wont be making it to the restaurant, i begin to slow the car until coming to a stop. Her face twisted in confusion as she looks over to me. 

I just smile and unclick  her seatbelt, dragging her across the console and placing her on my lap. She squeaks at the sudden move, once comfortable I waste no time. I cup her cheeks and pull her forehead to mine, our breaths mingling and heating the space between us. 

"I love you and I need you- we need you." I say, hoping she'll pick up on the double meaning. 

She did. A smirk grows and her eyes hooded, she leans in and places a hot kiss to my lips. "I love you John, I do." She says breathlessly, her hand stroking my face. 

"We're not going for dinner, I'm craving something else." I whisper lowly in her ear, feeling goose-bumps cover her exposed skin. I pull down on her hips, letting her feel what she's caused. She gasps and I wink. 

I place her over the console again and buckle her up, I chuck a U-turn and head back home. Her hands trail over anywhere she can. 

We'd made it home and I'd once again placed her over my shoulder and taken her into the house, Nick sat in the lounge smirking at our entrance. 

"Well you guys weren't very long..."

AN: I know it's super long but this slow burn is now picking up and things are about to get hot, steamy and crazy! I'm sorry for the wait! xx

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