I want to ask you two something.

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Nick's POV 

Discussion with his mum in the breakroom.

"You're being silly Nicholas, I can see she likes you just as much. It's still early on, let her adjust and she'll find her way with the two of you. Trust me." Mum says softly.

I know this is all new for her and it's kind of new for us too but i just cant help but feel a little hurt. I felt left out early on in this too and now it just always seems to be John this, John that and the asshole likes to tease me about it. 

"Should I let her know how I'm feeling or should I just see what happens? I don't want to pressure her, she has a lot going on right now..." She chuckles and shakes her head.

"Of course you tell her how you're feeling! Relationships are all about honesty, If you don't tell her how will she know? I'm sure she wasn't trying to intentionally hurt your feelings." she says sternly.

I mull it over, she's right but i feel stupid coming to mum for advice. I should know this shit by now.

"I'll just leave it for-" I was cut off by mum's hand slapping my forearm.

"You absolutely will NOT leave it young man. I would say the same thing to your brother. Talk to her about it." She whisper yells.

"Oh sorry... I can come back?" the voice sets my insides on fire. Cara stands in the door way, unsure whether she should come in. 

Mum glares at me as if to say 'Now's your chance'. She plasters on a sweet smile before turning around to face Cara, "No, no sweetheart, we had just finished, hadn't we Nick?" she taps my cheek condescendingly.

I nod and mum leaves, leaving me alone with Cara. Here goes nothing...

Cara's POV 

So after Nick and I's little chat in the breakroom earlier today, I've decided to do this whole laying my feelings on the table thing with each of them separately. I feel maybe it might mean more to them rather than having to share that moment too. 

I still feel terrible about how Nick felt, even after he reassured me that after speaking to me he feels reassured himself but I wasn't buying it. 

So I've decided to set up a little something for the three of us so I can let them know how I want to do this. I don't know how John will react but here's to hoping he can understand where his brother and I are coming from. 

Although we are in this together, I feel like there will be times when the two of them will want to have intimate moments on their own, that's not to say I wouldn't want all three of us together because I mean, I've had a taste of what that would be like and I for one will NOT give that up. 

My mum is at my place with Lex whilst I'm sitting at a small booth at the back of the local pub. Nick and John haven't arrived yet, although we've been seeing/dating each other for what like a month? I'm still a little nervous when we do stuff in public.

I finish my water and drum my fingers against the table, until I hear the all too familiar voices of my men. That feels so good to say. 

I watch as they converse with a group of people near the entrance, just watching their muscles flex and pull as they shake hands with their friends gets me all hot and bothered. 


They notice me and make a b-line for the table. They both send me a smirk and take a seat on either side of me. 

"Hello Beautiful." John whispers as he takes my hand to kiss my knuckles. 

"Hi Honey." Nick says softly before grabbing my face in his hands, and meshing his lips with mine. I don't allow him to deepen it but I feel John's hand snake up my thigh.

I push and smack them away, with a faux glare. They both chuckle and adjust themselves back in their designated seats. 

"Okay so.." I start a little nervous, "I wanna ask you two something..."I trail off, swirling the empty water glass. 

The both look at me with confusion but then curiosity gets the better of them. They nod slowly and John gestures for me to carry on. 

"I want to start this relationship off right. I don't want someone to feel left out or to feel like I like one more than I do the other. I think it'd be a good idea to you know... Share how we feel with each other privately..." Did I word that properly? They both look as equally as confused as I feel. 

"So what you're saying is you don't want us to share you?" John asks, confusion evident in his voice.

I shake my head sternly, "No not at all. What I'm trying to say is that I want us to share everything together but I feel like, like the next major step in this is to tell one another how we feel right? I feel maybe I should both give you a separate moment for that. Does that make sense?" I lean back and gauge their reactions. 

"I never thought of it like that..." John trails off spinning the ring on his pinkie finger. 

"I like the idea... John?" Nick beams from me to John. John gives it a  minute before sending me a panty-dropping smile. 

"We'll do this whichever way you want,  as long as this is what you want. I mean, once we tell you how we feel there's no going back. Especially if you return the feelings..."John says softly, his eyes darkening.

I grab both of their hands and kiss the top of each of them. They look as if they've turned to putty, bodies relaxed, smiles adorning their handsome faces. 

I let out a breath I didn't realising I was holding and relax in their embrace. We sit for a while before Nick and John decide it's time to head home. 

Now it's time to really open up and show them exactly how I feel.

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