If you could spare an hour or so

We'll go for lunch down by the beach

We can really talk it through

Now I was 90% sure he was just singing out what was happening with us and it wasn't an actual song. He was pretty good at it.

And being here without you, is like I'm waking up to

Only half a blue sky

We're kinda there but not quite

I'm walking around with just one shoe

I'm half a heart without you

I'm half a man at best

With half an arrow in my chest

I miss everything we do

I'm half a heart without you

"I..", I opened my mouth thinking he was finished with the song but I was wrong.

Though I try to get you out of my head

The truth is I got lost without you

And since then I've been waking up to

Only half a blue sky

We're kinda there but not quite

I'm walking around with one shoe

I'm half a heart without you

"So?", he asked hoping for me to come back running into his arms for he sang such a splendid song for me. Well atleast the later of that statement was true.

"You think singing a song you just made up will make me forget everything you said to me yesterday?", I scoffed and lay down.

"Made up? This is an original song which me and my mates wrote. Yes I changed a bit of words here and there but...", he stopped midway. I looked at him and saw him keeping his guitar down.

He then paced over to me. I stood up and saw where he was standing - just a centimeter behind my line.

"If you cross that line I swear I'll kill you", I warned him.

"Just..I'm sorry Ta. I didn't mean that. Can't we just talk it out?", he pouted and lowered his face trying to pull the 'puppy dog' look.

"There's nothing left to talk. From now on you're there and I belong here. That's it, end of story", I walked away from him before I fell for his 'puppy dog' look.

"You know you can't live without me right? And that nobody knows you the way I do?"

I put my hands in the air and answered, "Look! I am living without you and whether you know me or not, the fact that I didn't know what an arse you are disgusts me."

Everything around us went quite. The leaves of the trees stopped rustling, the air went still, the only sound that could be heard was the waves crashing on the beach. It felt like the world just stopped doing what it was doing and all attention was on me.

I looked at Niall and he had this look on his face. Okay, maybe I said too much. I took a step forward to tell him I'm sorry but then I remembered why I was here in the first place.

"Yes I said it", I admitted slowly and I knew Niall heard me.

Just yesterday I was so happy about how much I loved Niall and how his goofiness kept me happy and now look how the tables had turned. I rubbed my eyes and stopped the tears that were threatening to spill.

Something clicked in Niall and he removed his shirt and ran into the water. I was a bit alarmed as to what he was up to but when he started swimming towards the rock, I was fine. I saw his little head bobbing up and down and prayed that Niall didn't do something stupid.

He sat on the rock with his back facing me. Guaranteed I was pissed at him but I couldn't deal with the fact if anything happened to him.


I woke up to the sun rays burning my skin. I had completely forgotten about putting on another shirt. I looked at the rock and Niall wasn't there. I shifted my body weight to the right and sure enough Niall was sitting there with a big smile on his face.

My hands and legs were paining because of the position I was sleeping in plus the terrible sunburn I had got.

Niall suddenly stood up and ran to get something. He came back with a book and his signature pen and began scribbling something.

After a good five minutes he tore the page he was writing in and was making something out of it. A paper airplane.

He aimed it right where I was sitting and off the airplane flew.

It crashed at my toes and I looked back at Niall.

"Oh please don't talk to me but please read that, pretty please", he joined his palms and begged.

"I don't...."

"Just read it dammit", he yelled. My body jerked and I picked up the paper and unfolded it before Niall yelled at me again.

Dear Ta,

I looked up at Niall and he looked away from me. He was actually shying.

Would you do the pleasure and go out on a date with me? Well not that you have an option since you're stuck with me all alone here...

So see you ON MY SIDE after sunset for a night full of surprises !


PS I'm sorry and I love you so so so much !

I was smiling to myself when I read his little note. When I heard Niall scream 'yes' in happiness I remembered he was staring at me the whole time.

"Who said I said yes to this? Don't get all happy", I folded the paper.

"You know you want to go out on this date with me, don't deny it. I promise this will be the best date ever", he yelled and began dancing, patting himself on the back as to being the master of getting me to agree to him whenever he wanted to.

"Whatever", he deserved one chance. But that was all I was going to give him, one chance.

"I love you so much Taarika", he screamed looking up at the sky and smiling to himself.

Okay it was official, Niall Horan was a person who was on drugs and or was high permanently. That was the only explanation to his behavior.


Happy birthday Niall! Can't believe my baby is 21! Man time flies fast!

And FOUR? I want that album to be leaked immediately

The next update will be a while cause I have my exams and well I have to study it seems

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