|Kyle| SHUT UP |Eric|

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The symbols _-_-_ represent character change it's gonna go Kyle, Cartman, then back to Kyle.
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I open my eyes to Cartman gone.

Of course he would leave.. Once a fatass, always a fatass.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned. I was really tired. I decided to call Stan and ask his if he wanted to come over.

"Hey Stan?"

"Yeah Kyle?"

"Wanna come over?"

"Sorry dude. Wendy's got me taken."

"Oh. Ok. Bye Dude."

"See ya 'round."

I hung up and slammed back down on my bed.

Who am I gonna hang out with?

The stupidest thought came to mind,


I Decided to eat first. I walked down stairs and saw food with a note beside it.

I read it and smiled but felt sad too. I are the food silently before picking up my phone to call Cartman.




"Hey Kahl."

"Wanna come over?"

"Oh Kahl, I shall not turn your innocent to dirty thoughts."

"Cartman if you don't shut your fatass up and get over here I'm gonna beat your ass."

"Can I bring some fresh meant with me?"

"New kid?"

"Yeah. Looks like we got someone to 'talk' to."

"Shut up. Get over here."

He hung up laughing. I waited awhile, a LONG FUCKIN while.

When I heard a knock on the door I jumped in surprise since I was so lost in thought. I hopped up to open the door. Cartman stood there with a boy with big circle glasses.

"Hey Cartman."

"Hey Kahl. This is Flower. Goes by Georgie though."

"Like from IT?" He smiles shyly.

"Yeah.. Kinda.." He moved the curled hair behind his ear and Smiled.

"Kinda Cute," He blushed at the compliment, "So.. Wanna play Grand Theft Auto?"

Cartman Nods and Georgie says a quiet, "Ok.."

We sat and played for Hours. We ordered Chinese, but it never showed up. So we ordered Mexican and ate that.

Cartman went to the bathroom, and me and Georgie sat in silence, it was pretty awkward.


I went to the Bathroom, Uncomfortable. If you haven't figured it out, I wanna be a girl.

I thought that he might like me back if I had boobs and a Vagina. I took my shirt off and stared at the bra I put on this morning.

Since I had so much Fat, it looked like boobs. Mom said she didn't care as long as I was happy, she even said she'd pay for any surgery's I'd want. I love her.

I smiled and looked at myself. I looked quit strange, but I wanted to do this. Then I thought about my fat..

Will Mom let me get surgery to get my fat removed?

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