|Eric| Dealing with problems |Eric|

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I woke up to Kyle wiggling. I tried to forget what I was hearing last night.




I blushed and started getting hard.

Shit. I hope I can make it go away...

I looked at Kyle, I hope he doesn't wake up.. I walked to the main Bathroom and sat on the toilet. I blushed,

I can't believe I'm doing this..

I unzipped my pants and took out my dick. I started grazing it with my fingers and moaned quietly.

"Kahl... A-ah..."

I started pumping my self. I blushed and started imagining Kyle below me. I pumped harder, moaning his name louder than before.

"Ah..! Kahl..! Oh fuck Kahl..!!"

I pumped harder and faster and moaned out his name, I could feel myself come to my climax. I rounded the tip with my finger. I shut my eyes and climaxed into my hand with the loudest moan so far


I pulled my pants back up and covered my face with my arm.

I walked out and started cooking.

I made Bacon Egg Biscuits, and pancakes. I may be a shit friend and a shit person, but I can cook. I put it on a plate and put a note down.


Sorry I had to leave! I had to go home. My Mom's new boyfriend texted me like crazy last night. Also, when your brother gets home tell him is saud  ‘Hey headless Canadian’ Ok bye dude!

I kissed it and left. I walked out of the door quietly, not to wake Kyle up.

I was walking and looking at the snow covered ground when my phone vibrated.

Kenny - Hey

Cartman - Hey poor boy

Kenny - You wouldn't happened to know where Butters is would ja?

Cartman - He's at the flower shop. He says he's gonna buy it from the owner and change it up.

Kenny - Sounds like Butters. Bye.

Cartman - Bye

I got bored again and mumbled nothings to myself. I started thinking about Kyle.

He was so precious asleep... I closed my eyes for a few seconds and ran into someone.

"O-oh My god! I'm so sorry!" He yelped.

"It's good.. Just help me up would ja?"

He put his hand out and helped me up.

He had curly dirty blonde hair, Hazel eyes, light freckles and Big black glasses. He was wearing a leather jacket over a hoodie that said 'Flower' on it. Baggy jeans and Converse.

He smiled, and pushed his glasses up, "Sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going!"

"No, it's ok. It was my fault. I shut my eyes.. Are you new here?"

"Yeah.. I didn't know many people."

"Well now you know me, and I can introduce you too kids at-" I stopped for a second, "What's your name?"

Kyle x CartmanWhere stories live. Discover now