9| What's Up With Everyone?

Start from the beginning

"Stop it! Chan said the exact same thing, what is up with you guys? Look the wedding is in about a month don't y'all even dare to stress me out or my skin will have it's breakout point and my sleep rhythm is gonna go downhills. So if you'll excuse me I have to go do my skin routine without someone working on my nerves. I'm sleeping early and please be quiet tonight while playing your games, I'm already sleep deprived and I need my rest", I said while standing up and walking to the stairs.

"At least I have friends to do stuff with", he grumbled.

"Fuck off, Felix. It's not like you have more friends than I do", I defended.

"Go, go get your sleep. You're not yourself. Don't forget to wish your Channie a Goodnight", he said as he blew a kiss in my way, to annoy me.

"Don't make me involve Aria", I dared.

"You wouldn't", he gasped.

"I would", I glared at him. "So when is our Felix going to ask her out, on a real date."

He threw a pillow in my direction but I was quick enough to dodge it and run up the stairs. I laughed on my way up and entered my room with a smile. I did my nightly skin care just for the sake of the wedding, otherwise I would never, and prepared to go to bed.

For yet another few days everything felt so weird. I felt as if everyone was hiding something from me. I would have thought maybe a birthday party but my birthday is not even close.

I tried to get things out of Felix but the only thing he said was that I was clueless or just plainly dumb. Tiffany was no help either, the only thing she would do is smirk and change the topic. Let me not start about Chan, he would just ignore it, as if I hadn't said or asked anything at all, and just like Tiffany, change the topic.

With a puff I slumped down on my bed after putting every possible skin care product to stop my skin from breaking out. My phone made a sound, noting me that I had a message. I took it and saw it was Chan.

Chan: Hey Luna, I have a question.

Me: Ask away.

Chan: What do you think about going to the fair with me, Wednesday 7 O'clock?

Me: Wednesday? So suddenly.

Chan: Just one night. Not even 5 hours, maybe.

Me : Is anyone else coming along? Like Felix or...

Chan: Nope... Just you and me.

For a second I just looked at my screen. Just you and me. Can't possibly mean anything, right?

Me: Oh, just you and me?

Chan: Yeah, kinda like that.

Me: It's not like I have anything better to do on Wednesday, so sure 7 it is.

Chan: Right. Then I'll pick you up at 7 on Wednesday?

Me: Jup.

Chan: Nice! Goodnight, Luna.

Me: Goodnight, Chan.

I looked at my phone, silent as ever. Going to a fair as in a... a date? That can't possibly be it. No Chan- no. I cannot allow myself to get my hopes too high. I shouldn't get ahead of myself. Chan probably doesn't like me that way and he wants to go out just to relax. But on the other hand he could have asked Felix instead of me, that should mean something right?

Frustration rose inside of my head and I just confused myself more and more. What was going on? What was happening between us? Was Chan onto something? Was he into me? Or was he just being friendly? He had always been a bit of a flirt, he probably does this to a lot of girls. What could make me possibly different?

"What's making you stare so ugly at your wall? What did the wall ever do wrong to you?" Felix said from my door.

"I'm thinking", I said not looking up at him.


"None of your business", I snapped.

"Hmm, remember that one time you told me you would tell me everything. Good days to lie to your brother", Felix fake cried.

"Felix, get the fuck out", I looked at him with a confused expression. "Why are you so damn weird?"

"Guess Chan and you have been talking hmm. By looking at your face I can already tell", Felix said.

"Felix what are you saying?" I said not actually wanting him to answer that.

"You see you have this particular facial expression when we are talking about Chan, you have that expression now. You purse your lips a bit and your eyes are just a bid wider than normal and  your eyebrows rise. Oh and let's not forget about how you start biting your inner lip. I know you Luna. Good enough to tell that it was Chan you were thinking about", he pointed out.

"I don't care what you know", I said actually caring, I hate it that he knows me so well.

"So," he said as he walked closer in my direction," you wouldn't care if I did this." He snatched my phone from my bed running to his room with it. I ran behind him but he locked his door before I could even leave my room.

"Felix open your door and give me my phone!" I screamed and banged the door.

"Ooh, a date with Chris I see", he said and I could hear the joy in his voice.

"It's not a date you idiot", I said.

"Of course it isn't", and I could basically hear his eye roll(if you know what I mean).

"Give me my phone!" I screamed again.

All of a sudden the door opened and Felix gave me my phone without complaining or trying to run away with it.

"That was too easy", I said as I looked at him as he walked downstairs.

"You want me to take the phone back then?" he asked,stopping midway the stairs.


"Then stop talking", he said as he walked back down again.

I returned back to to my room allowing myself to fall on my bed. I crawled under the blankets and tried to sleep.

A night out, with Chan. Was I perhaps dreaming already?

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