Chapter 19

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Alyx's POV

As soon as I said those 5 words, I know that everything is about to change. I can tell that Jenn senses that I'm freaking out so she takes my hand in hers and intertwines our fingers.

Now that I have Jenn's support, I'm ready to go. "Today Jenn is with me since we're gonna talk about something important that all of you have been waiting for." I start.

"We want to tell you this because we feel like you have the right to know because you've all been following us for so long. It's time that we tell you." She continues and my breathing is already increasing.

"As you guys all know, we've known eachother for a few years now and we've been best friends ever since. We are also aware that you guys ship us like crazy and that our shipname is Jalyx." I say.

"Our friendship is amazing, I am so glad that I met her. But it's not our friendship we want to talk about right now." I explain while I take a deep breath and look at Jenn for a final confirmation.

She's already looking at me with sparkles in her eyes which makes me blush and forget that we're making this video. "You're doing great babe, keep going" she insures me which gives me the strengh to continue.

"What I'm trying to say is that we are indeed together. As we're in a relationship." I finally announce while I automatically start smiling cause I can finally tell the world that she's mine now.

"And no we haven't been keeping this a secret for several years. It has taken us those years to realise our feelings toward eachother." Jenn tries to explain.

"We've only been together for like 3 months now but something tells me that it'll be much more than that." I say making Jenn blush so I give her a peck on the cheek making her blush even harder.

"We also want to share our story with you guys if you're interested but I'm guessing that all of you are. So we're going to film another video for Jenn's channel, explaining how everything went down." I explain, already excited to share our love story with everyone.

After that announcement we talk about several other topics that we came across in the mean time before we start the other video.

Jenn's POV

"Hey guys, it's Jenn and today we're gonna talk about how everything happened and how we got together." I say excitedly cause I'm thrilled to tell them how our relationship started.

"So the story begins about 3 months ago when I texted her to come over since I missed her. So Alyx came over immediately cause ofcourse she wanted to see me too" I explain, flipping my hair making Alyx roll her eyes in amusement.

"As if I were that excited" she sarcastically responds and continues "either way, I went to her appartement and she was like all over me when we were sitting in her bean bag."

"So I was already getting really confused cause it was closer than usual and I was having these thoughts that I shouldn't have" she winks making me blush as I clearly remember how close it was.

"Well yeah and so did I and that's why I wanted her to stay so I suggested that we had dinner so we went to the store and bought our food. Then we had another moment in the kitchen while we were making dinner." I continue, blushing since I was grinding on her at the time.

"What she's trying to say is that Jenn was demonstrating her dancemoves on me. After dinner we played fortnite, duh. And then we went to bed since it was already really late." Alyx says.

"How explicit should we actually get now?" I whisper to her but probably loud enough to hear on camera. "Then we had sex" she answers my question, saying it really boldly making me slap her lightly.

"Alyx you can't just say stuff like that" I start laughing cause now the whole world will know. "We're just telling the story" she laughs with me but I don't really care actually that they'll know. We're both grown women so.

"Anyways, she spent the night and in the morning Jack suddenly stopped by. I mean I forgot that he was coming over but we tried to cover up that anything happened between us. But obviously he knew." I explain while Alyx mumbles "because we were covered in hickeys".

"So he knew and he also barged in on us during the day but that doesn't matter. We went out with him and Ricky that night so we told him too." I continue with the story while Alyx wraps her arm around me as she always does.

"The morning after we both asked eachother on a date, which we went on in the evening. So I took her to a restaurant and she suprised me with the most gorgeous thing ever beside her ofcourse." Alyx says smoothly making me lean into her.

"So after dinner she took me to the woods and blindfolded me before she showed me the most beautiful setup ever. It looked like a tent but there were so many little lights on the inside with a bed and just everything was perfect" she continues.

"And as we were laying outside, watching the stars, she asked me to be her girlfriend." Alyx explains, not once looking at anything other than me. "Obviously I said yes, I mean look at her." This makes me lean in and slowly kiss her on the lips.

When I pull back she's looking at me like I put the stars in the sky. "And everything has been amazing since that night." I finish the story.

"So that pretty much summed up our relationship till now. I hope that you guys are happy, now that you finally know that you were right about us."

"So if you liked this video, what you probably did, make sure to give it a thumbs up. Leave a comment down below if you want more collabs which we will probably film alot." I explain to them.

"I'll see you all next saturday with another new video. Bye." I end the video quickly so I can finally hug Alyx tightly which I have been dying to do since the beginning of this video.

"I'm so proud of us" she whispers in my ear before she kisses the top of my head. "Me too babe"

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